Finally, at long last, the true bad anime night has arrived. And what a groan-inducing night it was. This normally wouldn’t be a good thing, but we would expect nothing more from blacklisted anime night.
What this night's all about.
Boy, do I love bad anime.
Okay, no more messing around. We’re moving right on to my opinion.
Well it’s too bad that Mines no longer has Japanese classes anymore… But, all hope is not lost! I’m going to talk about some helpful tools if you are interested in learning on your own:
Hey, everyone. Last night went pretty damn well, I think. The movie was long, and felt long, but things were smooth when the computer wasn’t freaking out at some of the more taxing scenes.
Anyways, I’m sure it doesn’t beg explaining why this post is called Majou Shoujou night. There were so many damn magical girls, it was awesome. If you like magical girls, I mean. And I guess I don’t hate them. It seems like magical girls have been pretty popular among the anime club recently.
At least, these ones have been.
Actually, seeing Nanoha really makes me want OreImo Madoka to hurry up and stop being delayed. I know Chris had a theory that they’re altering the story to include less earthquakes and flooding, but my theory is the opposite. They like depressing people in Madoka, so if anything they’d want to add earthquakes and flooding, right? Right? Then people could, um, relate.
Anyway, I guess we didn’t show Madoka. We showed Meruru and Nanoha, so I guess I’ll get on with that.
Well due to the possibility of the next stalker game to be set in japan, I have decided to return early. I had done short day trips to Osaka, Kyoto, and Tokyo but I wanted to spend more time in these locations before doing proper posts on them. So heres a combo post on a few places to sightsee while in japan.
BOOK NIGHT. Cuz Kirino writes a novel and Literature Girl eats them. It’s a great circle of life we live in; I’m sure Literature Girl (what the heck was her name again, anyway?) would have lots of fun eating Kirino’s siscon book. How would she describe the taste? The texture? I’m curious about these sorts of things.
I guess we’ll never know. And even then, we might not really care…
See, the only reason we care about Literature Girl is she goes to the same school as Junichi and company.
Anyways, it wasn’t a bad night, even though I missed 7 and 8 of OreImo (being busy at Gene’s brother’s wedding, see), but I managed to see them at Gene’s place later last night, so I’m qualified to make the post after all.
Hi, guys. Last night was pretty badass, wasn’t it? And yes, I am talking about the anime, not Gene’s loss in Company of Heroes. I told myself I wouldn’t mention the post-anime activities this time because, at that point, it really is just like some big circlejerk or something (which is something we’re trying to make sure this blog is not). So this post will only be about anime. Here is a picture to prove it.
I dunno, it's hard to get cheaper than 'free'. I mean, what? Drugs?
That said, we should probably get on to the anime. Last night we watched 5 and 6 or Ore Imo, and then Giant Robots: Moar Lazahs Gundam 00: Aliens In Mah GunDAMNs Awakening of the Trailblazer.
…Oh, yeah, the name of the post. Well, misunderstanding not only because “aliens try to understand humanity by assimilating them, and humans don’t really appreciate it” but also because of the, you know… prejudices and misconceptions associated with otakus as shown in OreImo. For instance, Ayase trying to hate Kirino because she likes anime, games, and porn–all of which apparently turn us into killers and stuff.
Having a father like Gendou must be really hard. He’s always getting into your business, checking the things you buy, and sometimes punches you in the face. Then, you’re expected to go to school and act like nothing’s wrong, that all these bumps and bruises came from falling down the stairs, and at the same time deal with trivial crap from your sister. On top of that, you have to fly a robot in order to protect the world and totally friendzone your childhood friend.
Sound familiar?
Yep, I’d hate my life if I was surrounded by beautiful women who beat me. Sounds like a real hell on Earth.
So, let’s talk about Madoka, cause we are Madoka discussion club, right?
What, no? Man, I was so sure.
Anyway, Madoka’s already on 8th episode. Many of those theories are coming true. So are our job as potential philosophers here done?
The answer is no. There are still few questions unanswered, and it is our job to at least think about them, as fans of the series. Plus, thinking is fun. It makes human human, as no other life-forms can think of anything this complex.
It’s hard to believe how far this series has gone since the first episode. Nothing like a little nightmare fuel to get a series off the ground and right into dark territory where no Mahou Shoujo dare tread. I don’t think I need to say this, considering the title, but if you haven’t been following Puella Magi Madoka Magica up until episode 8 I advise against continuing to read this article. There’ll be some nods to the circlejerk-fest over at 4chan following the discovery about most of their predictions regarding the series coming true. Let me just say that I’m glad we found out these theories were true by now, because if the series held out until the final episode guarding the backstory, the ending would’ve just been downright disappointing. Disappointing in a, “well, saw that coming. Madoka is predictable. Bad series is bad,” way.
After talking with Chaeha and Chris last night, I’ve lost a lot of sleep over some of the theories they came up with. Well, just one in particular. I put the pieces together while I was lying awake in my bed at 3 in the morning last night. Last spoiler warning here guys, don’t read if you haven’t seen up to 8.
Yo, guys. Last night we watched more OreImo and then watched the Gundam 00 Trigun movie. Afterward a handful of us stayed to watch Gene get curb-stomped trade wins on Starcraft II. With that, we totally forgot about anime and the existence of Japan and became the Starcraft club. As a club revolving around the world’s greatest e-sport, we of course love Huk and, that being as it is, let us worship our new lord and master and his secret handshake:
Gene sent me this .gif so I feel like I need to put it in here.
Indeed, it was a glorious night, the spectators watching in thrall as Gene–who was still recovering from his loss in the first game–in the second game employed a bronze-league-confirmed reaper rush before turning to banshees to finish off the offender. Everyone rejoiced at our fearless leader’s victory.
Before that, though, we watched anime. As we are the Anime Club, most of you probably remember that, so let’s get to it.