March 2nd: Misunderstanding Night

Grant Walker · March 3, 2011

Hi, guys. Last night was pretty badass, wasn’t it? And yes, I am talking about the anime, not Gene’s loss in Company of Heroes. I told myself I wouldn’t mention the post-anime activities this time because, at that point, it really is just like some big circlejerk or something (which is something we’re trying to make sure this blog is not). So this post will only be about anime. Here is a picture to prove it.

I dunno, it's hard to get cheaper than 'free'. I mean, what? Drugs?

That said, we should probably get on to the anime. Last night we watched 5 and 6 or Ore Imo, and then Giant Robots: Moar Lazahs Gundam 00: Aliens In Mah GunDAMNs Awakening of the Trailblazer.

…Oh, yeah, the name of the post. Well, misunderstanding not only because “aliens try to understand humanity by assimilating them, and humans don’t really appreciate it” but also because of the, you know… prejudices and misconceptions associated with otakus as shown in OreImo. For instance, Ayase trying to hate Kirino because she likes anime, games, and porn–all of which apparently turn us into killers and stuff.

Awesome. Anyways, moving on!

Ore no Imōto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai 5-6

Something tells me Kirino wouldn't mind a dakimakura like this. Something tells me I wouldn't, either.

I’m already getting tired of reviewing this show every week. Chances are you already know I like the show, and I’m not going to to deeply into anything because Gene is already doing that for me.

OreImo, though. Good show. We’re already, like, halfway through it, right? I’m interested to see how it all pans out. Ayase started pissing me off a little bit, but again Kyousuke saved the day and made himself out to be a bad guy, all for his sis. D’aww.

Episode 6 was weird in that there was almost no Kirino at all.. and everyone seemed to be excited about that. Am I the only one who doesn’t hate Kirino (yet)? It might just be a matter of time, but… ah, we’ll see. Looking forward to next week.

Gundam 00: Awakening of the Trailblazer



I admit I have a sort of fondness for Gundam. I’ve seen a couple of the series (Gundam 00 was not one of them) and I sort of grew up with them, getting action figures, building models (I still have an unfinished Perfect Grade RX-78-2 at home which I need to hurry up and finish one of these days), and playing the video games.

I’m not the only one, either. When I mentioned that we were showing Gundam 00 this week, I got both Robbie and Chris (a couple of my roommates who Gene and Chris might remember) to come down and enjoy the movie. Chris is watching the series now as I type this (he started last night, lamenting ‘Look what the anime club has done to me!’; it was pretty awesome).

Anyways, having said all that, it was pretty much a given that I would like this movie to some extent (if only I had seen Trigun, I’d probably be saying the same thing a week ago). Even not having seen Gundam 00, the story of every series is more or less the same–colonies versus Earth. The only difference, really, is the characters. In this case, I kind of wished I had seen the series first, since then I probably would have enjoyed the film on a more emotional level, watching familiar characters get blown out of the sky and whatnot… but ultimately I didn’t really need to.

Even the Innovades aren’t really new, actually, seeing that the original series had Newtypes, which basically have the same function of being the ‘next step of evolution’ for humanity.

Anyway, about the movie… it wasn’t too bad. It was definitely less interesting at moments, and I wish I knew who many of the characters were, but like Gene said, there isn’t much one needs to understand about giant robots blowing up aliens in space. Any other question can probably just be answered by “GN Particles” or “Quantum neurowaves” or whatever they were talking about.

The action–which is probably what this show was really about–was well-animated and all over the place. It was pretty awesome watching some of the Gundams pull off the tricks they had, particularly the, um… what was it? The Cherudim? I don’t know. The one with all those different rifle bits, you know. Whatever they were.

That said, it’s still very… Gundam, minus the military fiction (since now it’s about aliens, apparently). There are weaknesses inherent in being Gundam. It’s hard for me to watch it without feeling like something’s missing, like there’s something ‘dated’ about it. It misses some of the charm and interest of other modern anime; it may be just because I hadn’t seen the series, but it doesn’t seem like caring about the characters in this show is a huge issue, which is kind of a problem. I didn’t really worry when Setsuna was in bed with apparent ‘dain bramage’, and once the humans started getting completely curbstomped by the ELS, I sort of knew how it was going to end–they couldn’t win in combat, so obviously they would raise the white flag or something.

The ending was… interesting, though. I get what they were going for, and it was a little silly, but it was still kind of cool. Giant space flowers are almost as good as giant robots. It just kind of emphasizes the absurdity of aliens in the Gundam universe, though.

Still, it was exciting and explosive and I liked it, for the most part, even if it isn’t an anime masterpiece. I’ll consider trying out the series for old time’s sake, just to see how it goes, despite how much I don’t really have the space for it on my computer. Oh, the things I must watch.

Anyway, that’s it for this week. Please add to my comments with your own.

Responses to March 2nd: Misunderstanding Night

Gene · March 3, 2011 at 4:23 pm

It was a pretty impressive showing, I think that’s the most people we’ve had at a single showing all semester. Thanks to all those who decided to give anime club a shot, hope you all come back.

Grant Walker · March 3, 2011 at 6:22 pm

I’m trying to convince Robbie and Chris to return… I don’t think it’ll happen, but I’m trying.


Grant Walker · March 3, 2011 at 6:22 pm


I’m trying to convince Robbie and Chris to return… I don’t think it’ll happen, but I’m trying.


Chris · March 3, 2011 at 5:46 pm

GIANT LAZERZ PEW PEW ROBOT PORN FLWRZ UNDRSTND1NG!! /end Gundam review (but really, it wasn’t bad)

OreImo finally gets to the Ayase-Kirino showdown. And strangely enough, I think I’m in the minority when I say I’m not really that angry Ayase. A lot of people accuse her of not being understanding, being a bitch, and failing as a friend overall. I disagree with that notion – in fact, I think Ayase is actually a pretty good friend. To come that conclusion, we need to consider her perspective in all this. Just like Kirino’s dad, all Ayase knows of anime/eroge is from the news – it’s a bad influence, it makes killers and psychos out of people, and is generally a bad thing. We know that’s not necessarily true, but keep that in mind.

Seeing her friend get into that stuff, Ayase tries her damndest to get Kirino to drop it. She just doesn’t want to see Kirino go down a road she perceives as dangerous. She’s even willing to sacrifice her cherished friendship to save Kirino. Still sound dumb? Watch the interaction again (particularly the conversation at the playground), but replace “anime” with “drugs.” Suddenly, we have Kirino, the drug addict, rambling about how drugs define her life, and Ayase, the desperate friend trying to save her. If you knew your friend was starting to do crack, or heroin, or meth, wouldn’t you try to save him? Yell at him, beg him, stake your friendship on it? Isn’t that what friends do? I mean, sure, we know that anime and crack are hardly comparable, but again, consider Ayase’s perspective and knowledge. Ayase’s not guilty of being a bad friend – she’s just guilty of being too shallow-minded to understand anime isn’t all that bad.

/end rant 2

Too bad for friendzone-chan. Oh well, leaves Kyousuke open for Kuroneko. And I don’t Kirino’s a really bad character (in the grand scheme of things), just vastly inferior to every other female in the show, IMO. Although ultimately, nothing matters, because Kuroneko is the best character, and this is fact. I’m sad I’m going to have to miss next showing (Dynamics midterm), because I love what happens in the next couple episodes. Kuroneko FTW.

Grant Walker · March 3, 2011 at 6:28 pm


I guess when you put it that way, yeah, Ayase isn’t a bad friend or anything. But just because her ignorance is understandable doesn’t really make it less annoying. At least, not for me. Not saying she’s a bad person or anything, but man, she needs educating. I wouldn’t be surprised if she lightens up by the end, though. Not that I actually know…

Glad to hear good stuff is coming, though! Awaiting next week’s showing. Also, would cosplaying Kuroneko be like… meta-cosplaying? Since, I mean… yeah. /stupid

Grant Walker · March 3, 2011 at 6:28 pm



I guess when you put it that way, yeah, Ayase isn’t a bad friend or anything. But just because her ignorance is understandable doesn’t really make it less annoying. At least, not for me. Not saying she’s a bad person or anything, but man, she needs educating. I wouldn’t be surprised if she lightens up by the end, though. Not that I actually know…

Glad to hear good stuff is coming, though! Awaiting next week’s showing. Also, would cosplaying Kuroneko be like… meta-cosplaying? Since, I mean… yeah. /stupid

steve · March 4, 2011 at 10:44 am

One of the reasons I like mecha is:





so it was nice to see excessive and ridiculous weapons in my mecha.

I missed OreImo this week because of a Lockheed Martin info session, but that’s k, I watched it while it was airing this past fall. I fucking love childhood friend’s grandparents. They’re on par with Nagisa from Clannad’s parents and the parents in KissxSis.

“I have a heart condition from the war… if you don’t sleep with my granddaughter I’ll die.”

“Obasan, Kyosuke wants to take a bath with me.” “… then do it.”

Greatest. Grandparents. Ever.

steve · March 4, 2011 at 10:49 am



Gene · March 4, 2011 at 1:39 pm


Grant Walker · March 4, 2011 at 4:29 pm

Did somebody say Thursday?

Grant Walker · March 4, 2011 at 4:29 pm

Did somebody say Thursday?

Gene · March 4, 2011 at 1:39 pm


Grant Walker · March 4, 2011 at 4:29 pm

Did somebody say Thursday?

Grant Walker · March 4, 2011 at 4:29 pm

Did somebody say Thursday?

steve · March 4, 2011 at 10:49 am



Gene · March 4, 2011 at 1:39 pm


Grant Walker · March 4, 2011 at 4:29 pm

Did somebody say Thursday?

Grant Walker · March 4, 2011 at 4:29 pm

Did somebody say Thursday?

Gene · March 4, 2011 at 1:39 pm


Grant Walker · March 4, 2011 at 4:29 pm

Did somebody say Thursday?

Grant Walker · March 4, 2011 at 4:29 pm

Did somebody say Thursday?