February 23: Movie Fail Night

Grant Walker · February 24, 2011

Yo, guys. Last night we watched more OreImo and then watched the Gundam 00 Trigun movie. Afterward a handful of us stayed to watch Gene get curb-stomped trade wins on Starcraft II. With that, we totally forgot about anime and the existence of Japan and became the Starcraft club. As a club revolving around the world’s greatest e-sport, we of course love Huk and, that being as it is, let us worship our new lord and master and his secret handshake:


Gene sent me this .gif so I feel like I need to put it in here.

Indeed, it was a glorious night, the spectators watching in thrall as Gene–who was still recovering from his loss in the first game–in the second game employed a bronze-league-confirmed reaper rush before turning to banshees to finish off the offender. Everyone rejoiced at our fearless leader’s victory.

Before that, though, we watched anime. As we are the Anime Club, most of you probably remember that, so let’s get to it.

Ore no Imōto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai 3-4


You know it, bro.

So far, so good. I am still liking the show. It remains consistently funny and I’m appreciating the satire more and more. Though I can semi-relate to the sort of passion Kuroneko and Kirino show in their love of their preferences in anime, the little jabs at the fandom itself help me take a moment to step back and realize that, yeah, wow, I’ve seen some of these things unravel in real life before. In a way, it’s a good look at how ridiculous ‘anime culture’ tends to be. The clash of fandoms and the negative image that the world ascribes to otaku all seems very familiar, really. At the same time, though, it seems to be treated rather affectionately: a way of life revolving around anime may be crazy and often stupid, but believe it or not, there’s some good in all of it, too.

At this point, I’m not really doubting that the satire keeps up. I’m not going to write an essay on all of it (Gene’s already doing that for every episode pair!), but I really am enjoying the show so far. There isn’t much else to say on the subject, really–I’m just sure we can expect more laughs from OreImo at future showings. At the same time, we can look forward to more posts from Gene as the episodes are shown.

Trigun: Badlands Rumble

Then came the time to watch Gundam 00, but it failed after only four seconds of viewing. Even the weak-but-trusty VLC could not run the twelve gigabyte beast. So it was pushed to next week and out came Trigun. I had not seen Gundam 00, and I had also not seen Trigun at all, so this didn’t make much of a difference to me.


This poster has everyone important. Awesome.

Despite not having seen the show, however, it didn’t seem like it was too hard to catch on to what was going on. Vash doesn’t want people to die, so he tries to keep people from killing people the entire movie.

To be short, I didn’t really like the movie all that much. Still, since I haven’t seen Trigun, maybe my opinion isn’t qualified. But either way, I guess I’ll get on to what exactly I didn’t enjoy about the movie.

First, the art style. I know I wasn’t the only one bothered by it, but I definitely think the art had some problems. It seemed so distinctly shounen (reminiscent of One Piece, in fact; another show I haven’t seen, but I’m familiar with the style) that I found it hard to get into it. Concerning some of the other shounen parts of it: As I think about it, it also sounds silly to say that people need to die for me to be interested, but considering everything that was happening and the nature of most of the characters, I was just a little bit incredulous at the movie’s really tiny body count. It made the ‘kiddie’ feel of the movie that much stronger; this doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing, but for some reason it put me off here.

To its credit, it was pretty funny at some points (like everyone whipping out their pistols and not knowing why), and it was at its best when it wasn’t trying to be too serious. Once things got down and dirty, however, everything seemed kind of… forced. The entire fight with Gasback at the end didn’t feel at all dire, because you knew Vash was going to come back and you knew none of the main characters were in any actual danger.

I wouldn’t say Badlands Rumble was a bad movie or anything, it was just ‘meh’. It wasn’t good. I can see fans of the franchise enjoying it, seeing their main character have a triumphant return in a recent film, but to an outsider like me it just didn’t have much impact; I didn’t care about the characters before and I don’t now.

I’ll just have to give the series a try sometime, instead. Let’s hope Gundam 00 isn’t too bad!

And that’s about everything. Thanks for reading, especially if you sat through my complaints. See you next week!

Responses to February 23: Movie Fail Night

Jack · February 24, 2011 at 3:24 pm

Nothing should get in my way of getting to the showing on time next week, so I’ll be able to actually see the OreImo episodes that time.

For Trigun, as soon as I saw one dude fought with a lightning-arm-cannon and another fought with a cross-shaped multigun, topped off with the genki insurance muscle girl, I gave up on taking it seriously. This, together with me not knowing who was who, left me not caring about anyone or anything in the movie at all. I get the feeling that people who had watched the series would get more out of it (someone’s backstory or character traits were probably explored more deeply or something), but as a fresh viewer (coming in late, no less) the movie left me unimpressed as well.

But hey, it’s shounen. There was a dude shooting robots with lightning and a guy who stole everyone’s bullets. Which is awesome. MST3K Mantra, go!


I don’t play Starcraft at all, but even I could tell how bullshit Gene’s victory was. Troll to the Finish!

Chaeha · February 24, 2011 at 4:51 pm

Well, somehow, I feel like defending Trigun for some reason even though I never watched it. I guess I’m just an Asian who has enjoyed old shounen stuff, and feel kinda sad that almost no one cares if there’s no “moe” now.

I’m not saying you’re like that.

And I’m not saying I hate moe. In fact I love them. I guess I like them both.

First, you gotta take account that Trigun’s pretty old.

I mean, the movie is 2010, but the original series (the manga) started serializing in 95.

I don’t know if you’ve read any shounen manga around that time, but I know I used to read whole bunch of “new releases” when I was in elementary school, which is few years after that.

Back then, all the shounen mangas were in that style. Well, I guess not much have changed for shounen. It’s all those moe stuff that’s different now compared to 90′s.

One Piece started in 97, so that could be why you feel like it’s One Piece.

And I think Vash’s no-one-dies-in-my-sight goes deep in the original series. I think it’s one of the central plot somewhere.

Though I agree that movie was not good. Or, I should say “not good enough.”

There were some parts that could have been better. Like Amelia’s back story.

Amelia turning out to be Gasback’s kid kinda back story was done a little too much.

They should have come up with something better.

To me, Trigun movie was what could have been great, considering the source, but couldn’t go far enough. I guess that’s pretty much what you said. I don’t know what I was trying to say anymore.

Chris Lee · February 24, 2011 at 8:32 pm

Definitely one of the better OreImo episodes. Kyousuke’s confrontation with Gen-dad is hilarious. Not to mention more Kuroneko. Definitely look forward to next week’s showing.

As for Trigun, I can see where you’re all coming from. It’s by no means a masterpiece – hell, by my own standards nowadays, it’d barely register as a blip. It’s classic shounen, with improbable action, idealized romance, cookie-cutter characters, and oh-look-everyone-is-angsting. But Trigun was one of the first anime I watched and finished, and I guess it’s got a special place in me. I know it’s all really superficial, but…I dunno. Sometimes I’ve just gotta drop my heavily jaded tastes and watch anime like a casual, clichés and terrible plot twists and all.

More importantly, MADOKA 8 fdjfl;akjfasdfls;djfasdf go fasteeerrr

Grant Walker · February 24, 2011 at 9:09 pm

I do know what you mean. You mentioned Rurouni Kenshin, and that’s kind of special to me because it’s the first manga I read all the way through. I similarly enjoyed the anime, and it’s probably always going to be memorable for that reason, so I get what you’re saying.

It’s probably better for me that I haven’t watched Kenshin in a while, now that my tastes have ‘developed’ a little bit. I’d probably like Trigun if I just treated it like a shounen anime and went with it. Still haven’t seen the show, so!

And yes, Madoka.. when the hell, man.

Gene · February 25, 2011 at 3:10 am

I know that feel bro, I know that feel

Gene · February 25, 2011 at 3:10 am

@Grant Walker
I know that feel bro, I know that feel

Grant Walker · February 24, 2011 at 9:09 pm

@Chris Lee

I do know what you mean. You mentioned Rurouni Kenshin, and that’s kind of special to me because it’s the first manga I read all the way through. I similarly enjoyed the anime, and it’s probably always going to be memorable for that reason, so I get what you’re saying.

It’s probably better for me that I haven’t watched Kenshin in a while, now that my tastes have ‘developed’ a little bit. I’d probably like Trigun if I just treated it like a shounen anime and went with it. Still haven’t seen the show, so!

And yes, Madoka.. when the hell, man.

Gene · February 25, 2011 at 3:10 am

I know that feel bro, I know that feel

Gene · February 25, 2011 at 3:10 am

@Grant Walker
I know that feel bro, I know that feel