Konnichiwa from the depths of textbooks! It’s been a while since I’ve put anything up here. I’d say something about all the exams and homework I’ve had, going into my junior year, but everyone knows that’s a lame excuse.
But on to the topic of today’s post. I’ve been doing some thinking (with all 1.6 volts of my potato-sized brain), particularly about why some anime work and why some don’t. My biggest complaint about a lot of shows I finish and don’t like are that they felt rushed, and that it should have had 12 more episodes. But looking back on my repertoire, a lot of my favorite shows were 12 episodes or less. So obviously, the curse of 1-cour isn’t impossible to overcome. Hell, Yamamoto Yutaka himself, who I’m poking fun at in my title, stated at NDK that failing to tell a story in 12 episodes is the writer’s fault, not the block’s.
Why can some shows succeed in a mere 4-5 hours of animation while others flop? Is 24 episodes always better than 12? How about 50?