I thought something interesting for new BlazBlue

Chaeha · September 17, 2011

So, many of you know I’m a VA(voice actors/actresses) otaku who enjoys VA jokes more than anything.

And a VA otaku like me can’t let it pass the fact that both Madoka and Homura’s voice actresses are in BlazBlue. Then I began to fantasize cause that’s what I’m good at.

This may contain spoilers to those who haven’t seen Madoka yet.

I really want to see VA jokes from Arc involving those two. So I was thinking what would be the best joke if to put in the game. I’m not sure which episode it was, but it was  right before Sayaka died. (told you.) Remember the scene where Homura stops time (not mentioned in the show, but most likely) and says whole bunch of things to Madoka, and Madoka’s like “Have we met somewhere? (before she transferred, of course) Sorry, I have to look for Sayaka.” and leaves, then Homura cries Modoka’s name?

So, to whom would Platinum say “have we met somewhere?” and who would cry Platinum’s name like that? It must be someone close to Platinum. Also, they must have not seen each other for a long time. And also, it won’t be clever to introduce a total new character randomly. And even if it’s just a joke, it would be better if it was story related.

So, which character is close to Platinum, mentioned but not appeared in the game, and could drive new story line for the new game? There’s only one. Nine.

Nine and Platinum (or Konoe and Trinity, since that’s their actual names) were best friends. (Nine must have been shot by Platinum’s astral) And Nine is the only member of the 6 Heroes who has not appeared in game. She should sometime soon.

Of course, this is just my fantasy. It’s not gonna happen probably, Even I think it’s too far stretched. First of all, Nine’s VA in drama CD is Kitamura Eri, and I don’t think they are gonna change that. Second, Kakas are basically Jubei’s clones, and his relationship to Kaka clan is very close. Jubei would have known this long time ago. Last, there’s already a candidate for Nine or Nine’s clone called Phantom. Among fans, that’s the most likely theory. Although, Arc could make it so that Phantom is Nine’s body without soul, and the soul somehow went into Tao’s body or something.

So, like I said, it’s just my fantasy, and my fantasy usually never come true. I do hope they at least put some VA jokes as bonus materials like Teach Me Dr. Litchi or things like that.

And here’s a bonus video.