BOOK NIGHT. Cuz Kirino writes a novel and Literature Girl eats them. It’s a great circle of life we live in; I’m sure Literature Girl (what the heck was her name again, anyway?) would have lots of fun eating Kirino’s siscon book. How would she describe the taste? The texture? I’m curious about these sorts of things.
I guess we’ll never know. And even then, we might not really care…
See, the only reason we care about Literature Girl is she goes to the same school as Junichi and company.
Anyways, it wasn’t a bad night, even though I missed 7 and 8 of OreImo (being busy at Gene’s brother’s wedding, see), but I managed to see them at Gene’s place later last night, so I’m qualified to make the post after all.
Here we go, then.
Ore no Imōto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai 7-8
Thanks, Kuroneko, I'm proud of myself, too!
There was a surprising amount of stuff that happened in these two episodes. Like other weeks, though, I’m still going to have a hard time finding good things to say. Like usual, there were some funny bits, but these ones (particularly 8) seemed a bit more… serious. Or even when it was funny, there was also some queasiness that came with it.
It was kind of a surprise how fast everything happened with Kirino and her novel, the anime deal seeming to come so fast. The episode seemed sort of out of place, but it certainly got a message across: like most entertainment, anime is made for money, and you’re delusional if you think otherwise. They even say outright that catering to the desires of one individual is unrealistic. The message is more or less an obvious one, but an inconvenient truth nonetheless.
Still, everything worked out, thanks to Kyousuke demeaning himself for his sister yet again. How about that. It makes me wonder where this show is going, and on that note, I’m really looking forward to next week. I know we’re more than halfway through at this point, so I’m hoping for a pretty stellar ending.
Bungaku Shoujo
Bungaku Shoujo was… interesting. It started out fairly boring, then got fairly terrible, and then improved as it went on. I don’t know if the later improvement makes up for the shitty start, but I probably won’t be panning the movie altogether.
Still, it did start off pretty awfully. It felt like, in no time, the movie was dropping unexplained drama all over the place and generally doesn’t explore a lot of the characters, just Inoue, crazy girl, and literature girl. Normally, I’m okay with movies hiding things from viewers. It’s nice. It gives you something to look forward to, assuming the movie fleshes things out later.
But for about half of the movie, Literature Girl doesn’t make sense, and doesn’t start trying until much later. Why is crazy girl (Miu) so crazy? Why does the redhead like Inoue? Where is literature girl (Tooko) fitting into all of this? For the longest time, Tooko–the titular character–doesn’t seem to have any significance to the plot of the film at all.
For the most part, this all falls into place later, but before then it all seems like a bunch of superfluous teenage angst which I don’t really want to sit through. Still, it did get better, and the more grim aspects of the movie did start to make sense. The movie is late on its exposition, but it does sort of make things work.
Redhead never seems very important, though, and Tooko–even though Inoue ‘chooses’ her at the end–never actually seems that important, either. Sometimes, it seems like she just likes Inoue for his cooking (lol), and going through the effort of making Miu feel okay about herself only to go and run off seemed like kind of a weak ending.
Maybe I wasn’t paying enough attention, but I feel like a lot more could have been done with the content; it certainly could have been executed much better. The last half of the movie starts to make everything not suck, but that doesn’t completely save it. Saying things like ‘it gets better later on’ doesn’t work very well with movies because they’re a single unit, and as a unit, it’s hard to say I like it.
But it was only a little bit bad, overall. Hopefully you guys found more reasons to enjoy it than I did.
That’s it for today, folks! See you in a couple of weeks!
The thing to remember about Bungaku Shoujo is that there are like 2 or 3 OVAs that cover the “backstory” (for lack of a better word) that came out before the movie. From what I saw, while not playing pokemon or doing German homework, I really enjoyed the show. Or, at least, I’m interested enough to find the OVAs and watch them and the movie through again.
俺の妹がこんあに可愛いわけがない this week was weird. The anime episode was an anime-original story, and it just felt out of place. When I was watching OreImo while it was airing, this was my least favorite episode. Sure, it’s a colossal middle finger to the industry and critics of the show, but it’s just out of place. Thankfully, that’s about as bad as the show gets. I’m pretty sure next week is:
which made my face melt the first time.
Grant Walker · March 11, 2011 at 1:20 pm
I actually didn’t know that about Bungaku Shoujo. I thought it went straight from the novels to the movie, without any OVA.
Kind of wish I’d seen the OVAs now, yeah.
It was definitely out of place, but I still liked it. I think Gene told me they never even reference Kirino’s anime in future episodes, either, which sort of cements that being out of place, but… yeah.
And lolMadoka. That was a fantastic episode. So much shit happened.
Grant Walker · March 11, 2011 at 1:20 pm
I actually didn’t know that about Bungaku Shoujo. I thought it went straight from the novels to the movie, without any OVA.
Kind of wish I’d seen the OVAs now, yeah.
It was definitely out of place, but I still liked it. I think Gene told me they never even reference Kirino’s anime in future episodes, either, which sort of cements that being out of place, but… yeah.
And lolMadoka. That was a fantastic episode. So much shit happened.