Hey guys, sorry that one of these is a week late. I imagine there aren’t many who faithfully read the blog, so I just sort of got lazy and waited. And waited.
Now it’s coming up, though, just in time for the 4/20 post, too. This post will probably be a bit longer than my other ones just because of the greater volume of anime, but I’ll try to shorten my comments on each one. That way I can invite some of yours’.
Anyway, here we go.
Jungle wa Itsumo Hale nochi Guu
Guu and her face.
Wow, what an appropriate show for Disturbia night–not necessarily for it being… disturbing, as such, but for just being incredibly weird. Almost too weird. And stupid.
Don’t take that as meaning I hated the show or anything, though. It just wasn’t my cup of tea. I can handle strange, trippy, and all sorts of acid-inspired stuff, but sometimes Hale nochi Guu just went to stupid lengths, and half of the jokes were kind of cheesy, in a bad way.
That said, I did appreciate a number of the things in this anime, but I’ll pass on future episodes.
Steins;Gate, on the other hand, I found rather intriguing. I wouldn’t mind seeing more of this show. It sounds like it’ll have a pretty confusing continuum, but I like the style of the show and the presentation of ‘delusional mad scientist and his crew’ just sort of did something for me. It didn’t seem like it was trying to push anything too edgy, but it was still relatively dark and intriguing, so I liked it.
Mostly, I’m interested in the characters, sort of the way I was in Eden of the East, but I’m also curious about the story. It looked like it could go either way from the two episodes we watched, but I honestly hope for something good out of it. I haven’t really… heard anything about it, though, which concerns me, but I’ll be looking into future episodes of Steins;Gate.
Alien Nine
Is she not crying in this picture?
This was pretty much the show to see on Disturbia night. I’m happy we got to go through the entire thing when we watched it. I heard a lot of mixed opinions on Alien Nine, but I think I can say that I enjoyed it.
It wasn’t the greatest thing ever, but it was certainly above average anime. I thought the main characters were mostly endearing (even through all the bawwwing) and it certainly did have its disturbing parts. I was sort of half-hoping we’d see some poor kid get torn apart by the rebar-things that the Borgs controlled, but it never went there, and that’s parts both good and bad.
Anyway, I liked it, and I wish that there was more of it. I might have to look for the manga, too. Certainly a good choice for Disturbia night.
Level E
I'd be pissed too, bro.
Level E was kind of average. It was also pretty funny–it definitely drew some laughs out of me. At the same time, though, that can only go so far, and I’m usually not super kind to shows solely devoted to comedy (I mean, there are some exceptions, but exceptions have to be exceptional by definitions).
I won’t watch more, but it’s not a bad show! That’s really all I have to say.
Tiger and Bunny
Bros for life.
Tiger and Bunny I feel was special because it sort of missed its mark. I like the premise and the sense of style that it’s going for, but it all seems executed to kind of mediocre effect.
To begin with, I didn’t really like most of the CGI bits, and other decisions about the animation style just irk me. It’s hard to explain. When I first began watching, I thought “Well, this looks cool”, but things just sort of went downhill, and then I couldn’t figure out whether it was making fun of kids shows or really was a kid’s show.
I don’t mean to say it was bad, however. I don’t see myself watching more, because I feel like it could have been a lot more than it was. I might see more just to see how it shapes up, though. I guess we’ll see.
Who needs drugs on 420 when you've got DAT OP?
Fractale I had seen a little bit of before… episodes 3 and 4, actually, and at the time I had been thinking that it was a pretty damn mediocre show.
Having seen the beginning now, though, I kind of liked it more the second time around. The animation style is pretty neat, and the characters I found much more endearing than I did before. I might want to pick up some more just to see what happens. It’s still a little jarring how the show goes from being a “religion/technology vs. science/technology vs. none of that stuff bro” thing that was slightly thought-provoking and interesting to a place where suddenly people are just getting murdered everywhere. I feel like the change could have been a bit more subtle than that, and the priestesses using magic during the firefight is kind of annoying to me, for whatever reason. I guess they’re really just lazahs, but I dunno.
Anyway, I still appreciated the show a bit more this time, and I want to see more. I like the animation, the sound, and the story could improve, so there we go.
Responses to 4/13 and 4/20: Disturbia Night and Others
Gene · April 21, 2011 at 3:46 pm
Hale and Guu is pretty refreshingly unique for me, but I agree, a lot of it just went too far to the point of feeling… well, I dunno, inane I guess is the best word I can use to describe it. It feels almost a little too “slice of lifey” with a premise that is anything but.
Still watching Steins;Gate; ep 3 was great. I spent most of the first two episodes wondering how Makise Kurisu’s jacket stayed on despite nearly falling off, but apparently it’s held up by belts on each arm. Huh.
Glad you liked Alien Nine, it needs a sequel badly. I was wondering if you found it dated at all…? I know the art bothers some people, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone bothered by the turns in the plot, despite being one of the more convoluted aspects of the show (why do they even let these kids fight aliens?).
Level E and Tiger & Bunny I don’t care about. Fractale kind of drags it’s feet in pseudo-intellectualism near the end, but everything in between is pretty great. Soundtrack is baller. Ending is one of the more surprising twists I’ve seen in anime. Doesn’t save the show, in my opinion, but wow, it’s a twist nearly on M. Night Shyamalan proportions.
Grant Walker · April 22, 2011 at 11:27 am
I definitely agree Hale and Guu was unique. The whole jungle setting was about as new as new could be.
Good to hear ep 3 of Steins;Gate is good; I should grab some of that! But yeah, her jacket is a little confusing. Not only the physics of it but the questionable style.
The art was definitely different in Alien Nine, but I wouldn’t say it was dated. It doesn’t look like Narutaru or anything. I don’t think I’ve seen anything quite like it.
I’ll probably finish Fractale, if only to see more airships and stuff, because I like that sort of thing (those and the huge amount of color remind me a little of Miyazaki stuff, which is good).
Grant Walker · April 22, 2011 at 11:27 am
I definitely agree Hale and Guu was unique. The whole jungle setting was about as new as new could be.
Good to hear ep 3 of Steins;Gate is good; I should grab some of that! But yeah, her jacket is a little confusing. Not only the physics of it but the questionable style.
The art was definitely different in Alien Nine, but I wouldn’t say it was dated. It doesn’t look like Narutaru or anything. I don’t think I’ve seen anything quite like it.
I’ll probably finish Fractale, if only to see more airships and stuff, because I like that sort of thing (those and the huge amount of color remind me a little of Miyazaki stuff, which is good).
Matthew Strand · April 27, 2011 at 9:37 pm
I found Hale and Guu disturbing, so it fit with the night’s theme. I agree with Gene that Alien 9 desperately needs a sequel or continuation, and found the art nice enough; it didn’t seem dated. I really need to get Stein’s;Gate though. It seems almost as interesting as Noein.