Gene · November 20, 2010 at 3:14 pm
Hello, everyone. It’s been a while.
It was all because of EPICS presentation and physics test that I couldn’t post.
So, this time it’s Yukino Satsuki-san. (And I gave up trying to come up with a good title, cause I can’t do it.) Who is she? She although it was a very short line, she played Hoshimaru from Naru Taru. Wait, wasn’t it, like, 2 weeks ago? Yeah, I tried, but then EPICS and physics came, like I mentioned.
So, you may think why I’m not doing recent seiyuu, right? It’s because Yukino-san was actually requested. Yes, my first request ever! How can I turn it down, you know?
She debuted in 1992, as a Girl C in a movie on NHK. She decided to become a seiyuu after watching めぞん一刻 (Maison Ikkoku, or something like that. Sorry I don’t know the English title for that.) Her usual roles are strong-willed girls, but not limited to those type of characters.
According to Takahashi Rumiko-sensei (manga artists are usually called sensei), who wrote mangas like Inu-Yasha, Ranma 1/2, and above mentioned Maison Ikkoku, Yukino-san is a seiyuu with cute scream… I don’t have any comments about that.
So, now it’s time to see her notable roles. It will be in order of release date.
First is Higurashi Kagome.
As the main heroin of Inu-Yasha, she goes through a lot. And she is only a middle school student. Also, 3 years later, she got married to Inu-Yasha, even though it meant that she can’t come back to real world. I don’t know I can take all that.
Second, it’s Sumiregawa Nenene.
pretty good illustration of Nenene Nee-sama
She is from R.O.D. She is an important character in R.O.D. mangas and novels, but in the OVA, only her name appears. Maybe it was because she was nothing in OVA, in the TV series, she appears in the first episode, before Yomiko (main character of OVA) ever appears. But I don’t like the TV series, so I didn’t watch it at all. I wish she was in OVA also.
Next is Sonozaki Mion & Shion.
Their background story is really sad, so if you get a chance, I recommend playing the VN. If I remember correctly, MangaGamer translated all the original VN, or if you are comfortable with playing it in Japanese, I got the all the original VN in iso format.
Yukino-san was also in the VN version of ONE and Clannad, and I’m not sure if she was in the anime also.
That’s about it. Now listen to one of my favorite Higurashi vocal arrange of all time, Thanks by Sonozaki Shion, and the real-life sound of higurashi cry.
Gene · November 20, 2010 at 3:14 pm
Chris · November 21, 2010 at 1:31 pm
I believe she was in the Clannad anime, as Sunohara’s dorm mother, Sagara Misae. She was also the main heroine in Full Metal Panic!, Chidori Kaname, and the main character in Planetes, Tanabe Ai. My favorite performance of her, though, had to be the Sonozaki twins in Higurashi-it was very amusing to hear some of the conversations she held with herself (especially the dungeon scenes).
I didn’t know she played Hoshimaru as well, though. After a quick look-up, I found she also played Kuri Mamiko (a character that didn’t appear in showing, but an important one later one). I was all o_O
Chaeha · November 21, 2010 at 2:25 pm
Chaeha · November 21, 2010 at 2:25 pm