11-17-10 Showing: Amagami Night (It might as well have been called this)

Grant Walker · November 18, 2010

Hey, everyone! It is I, Grant, and this post is happening again. This week we watched Seitokai Yukuindomo (which I believe has also been referred to as Sex Jokes: The Show), Amagami-SS, and The House of Five Leaves. Feel free to discuss them below.


Oh hi there.

The first show, Seitokai Yukuindomo, was funny. That’s all I can really think to say about it. I doubt I’ll be watching more, but I would be lying if I said it didn’t make me laugh here and there. The apparently one-dimensional aspect of the comedy probably wouldn’t hold my attention for all that long. I just forsee that Tsuda and what’s-her-face eventually get together after wading through a sea of bad jokes (which I will still laugh at). Then everyone lives happily ever after and more sex jokes are made. Or something. Anyway, if you enjoy this kind of comedy, this show should be a no-brainer.



Second was Amagami-SS. From what I could tell, it seemed that Gene liked this show, so I was hoping for good things from this show. As someone who had neither played the games nor looked up summaries elsewhere, though, I expected a pretty standard romantic comedy. I daresay it exceeded any expectation I could have had, though. In a way, it really IS just a standard romantic comedy, but there’s something about the girls that makes them likable, and Tachibana was unexpectedly kind of a clever guy. The show was, like the first one, hilarious, only instead of falling back on sex jokes for the humor, it used the quirks of the girls in the story. And I definitely did LOL; I had to wipe tears from my eyes after a particular scene. It also really makes me want to play the game…


To be honest, I expected obligatory swordfight FOR HONOR with this guy.

Third was House of Five Leaves. I think I overheard someone saying it was kind of a boring show, and I can sort of see why one would think that: it’s much slower paced and less ‘exciting’ than a show like Amagami. Everything in the show seemed handled in a more ‘matter-of-fact’ fashion. Actually, what this show really made me want to do was go and watch Samurai Champloo, because this show had–what?–one single action scene that was about three seconds long, and not that thrilling at that? Aside from that, the art style is also definitely something unique–they all really do look like frogs when the camera looks head-on… And I actually thought that the general premise was interesting. I wouldn’t be surprised if I went ahead and watched more of this sometime. I don’t like its disco ED much though…

That’s everything I have to say. I’m going to go watch the fourth episode of Amagami now. I hope you go ahead and discuss!

Responses to 11-17-10 Showing: Amagami Night (It might as well have been called this)

Gene · November 18, 2010 at 1:05 pm

Sounds about right. 🙂

I’m trying to finish house of five leaves, I’ll be watching it over break. I haven’t heard much about how it ends so we’ll see if its worth a watch or not. Besides that, I have a lot of other anime to finish, like Garden of Sinners.

Awesome review, thanks for doing them this semester Grant! 😄

Jack · November 18, 2010 at 1:14 pm

Unashamedly, I grabbed Sex Jokes: The Anime. I know I’ll get bored of it at some point, but my expectations for it lie somewhere around “make me laugh for a couple hours.” It does handle its comedy better than one might expect; the timing on jokes is well executed most of the time.

Amagami was very … average, I guess I could say. In a good way, though. I couldn’t find anything particularly engrossing/unique to the show, but it still held my attention. I suspect I’ll come back to it once I run out of get bored of Sex Jokes: The Anime. Might be a good thing to watch over Christmas break.

HoFL. Hmm. I suspect I couldn’t get into it because of the slowness you mentioned, and it couldn’t have helped that I was feeling tired by that point, either (then I broke out my laptop and my attention was totally gone). I can totally dig the art style, though; I love shows that go for a “different” sort of look (Tatami Galaxy, FLCL, Katanagatari, etc).

Relatedly, I heartily recommended Samurai Champloo to anyone who hasn’t seen it yet. Hip-Hop Samurai Anachronism Mashup. Very fun.

Gene · November 18, 2010 at 1:49 pm

Sex jokes was definitely better than the alternative. We almost showed Working!!!; also based on a 4-panel comic strip, but far worse.

Gene · November 18, 2010 at 1:49 pm

Sex jokes was definitely better than the alternative. We almost showed Working!!!; also based on a 4-panel comic strip, but far worse.