Wow, I should post or something. I have been spending all my free time trying to learn more Japanese so I can talk to people. Its so strange living in a place where you can’t read anything; stupid kanji. Well due to one request I’m going to dump some images on where I’m staying. Also, a few of the school.
However, next weekend I’ll be going to Akihabara and will troll some otaku.
Here the one of the hallways in the dorm during the day. Japan has a lot better focus on both recycling and energy conservation then america. So, dorm is constantly dark during the day, and constantly about 50°F. Each dorm room has its own AC/heater unit so its nice and warm in my room.
I have a single dorm room which is quite small. The dorm is half double rooms and have single rooms. Both are about the same size. But still much nicer then my room in Weaver Towers back at mines my freshman year.
Here are a couple pictures of the kitchens for the single and double sides of the dorm. All the students share these and have to keep them clean. With all the time I spend studying I usually end up buying bento or pan. I personally would have preferred to have some sort of meal plan. Which you can kinda get by doing a home-stay where you live at a Japanese family’s house. From the people I have talked to who are doing it they say that the food is awesome. However the downside is that its more exspensive then staying in the dorm. Anyway 400 円 bentos are way better then anything you can get in America when it comes to cheap Japanese food.
This Is one of the common rooms. Most people seem to hang out in their rooms being boring and watching anime.
This is a picture of one of the school buildings:
This shit looks legit.
That is a picture of the building I have classes in. It used to be a factory but the insides look a lot more like a school.
The program I’m doing is focused on mostly spoken Japanese. I have 5hrs of class per day and usually spend the rest of the day doing homework or studying more vocabulary. As always there are a lot more pictures on my Facebook page.
That’s all for what the school/dorm is like. Next weekend Akihabara. Hmm what should I say to the otaku to troll them? Insult their waifu? O, the possibilities are endless. Also, I need suggestions on what to buy. I hope what ever I buy can get past US customs.
NIHONGO WAKARIMASEN. You could also say in plain English that the anime is proof that two bombs just wasn’t enough. That might get you thrown out of Japan though…
Chaeha has a better idea of what to buy than I do, but I say get whatever’s cheap. AND NENDROIDS!
Those rooms look awfully nice, I would stay there in a heartbeat. I don’t think Weaver had stoves (for reasons that seem to me to be pretty obvious). Anyway, its nice that you’ve got a pretty nice place there.
Chaeha · January 26, 2011 at 3:39 pm
Hey, that thing at the top has Korean!
Anyway, whatever you buy, don’t buy loli doujinshi. I believe you could go to jail in America. Or Kodomo no Jikan for that matter.
Nendoroids are pretty good choice, but maybe that’s just me.
Blu-ray might be good since Japan and America share Blu-ray region code.
If it was me, I’d go for figures and games, but that’s just me.
Or go to one of those maid-cafe. Maybe you can also troll otakus there.
Here’s other option. I’d say it’s a traditional thinking, and it would have been what people were doing way way waaaaaaaay back then in Akiba: buying non-otaku related electronics. Maybe you can buy a digital camera and troll otakus with it.
But seriously speaking, I recommend something that’s rare. Any doujin related stuff (And not limited to hentai stuff. That’s not what doujin is about!) would be pretty rare in my opinion, but if you are not into it like me, it’s worth nothing, so I guess it’s up to you.
Btw, that’s exactly how I felt 4 and a half years ago when I came to America. I’m sure you will feel much better soon.
Andrew · January 26, 2011 at 6:04 pm
Black black caffeine hard candies,
oh and some of those sake bottles and cups
That’s probably the only stuff i would actually look for,
otherwise impulse buy FTW
steve · January 26, 2011 at 7:08 pm
Have to enunciate the す too.
and wear an orange jumpsuit.
I would end up buying volumes upon volume of manga, just because of how inexpensive it is. Most (yes most chaeha) doujin would be a waste since it’s all censored anyways.
Chaeha · January 27, 2011 at 2:49 pm
Okay, I don’t know if you will see this or not.
Or, you will have time to go to such a place, but here’s a nice event in February.
Here’s English Wikipedia entry about it. It’s happening Feb 7~13.
Sapporo is in Hokkaido, which is really northern, and I guess that’s how they can have a snow festival in February. I was in northern part of South Korea (which was quite close to North Korea) but I hardly saw any snow! And I love snow. To think that a neighboring country had such a festival since 50′s… Urayamashiiiiiiiiiiii. But now I live in Colorado so it’s good now.
Oh, did I mention SnowFes 2011 is where they are releasing (or just showing) the new version of Snow Miku Nendoroid? Totally worth it. There’s also gonna be snow sculpture of other stuff too. Crypton headquarter, who created Miku and her pals, are located in Sapporo, too.
And appearently SnowFes is as well-received world-widely as Oktoberfest in Germany. It’s not otaku-related if you were wondering. It’s a legit festival.
And there’s this figure convention called Wonder Festival, and Winter WonderFest 2011 is being held on Feb 6th. It’s basically figure version of Comic Market, so I don’t really recommend going there unless you feel like you are a dedicated figure otaku. (like me!)
I added WonderFest just in case, but it would be such a waste if you miss SnowFes in Sapporo, although I don’t think you’d have time to go all the way up to Hokkaido.
P.S: To Steve. Censoring in doujin doesn’t matter to me cause that’s not why I like doujin. I like doujin because it’s amateur made and good, like Touhou (not the hentai manga. I mean the games!) for instance.
Chaeha · January 27, 2011 at 3:00 pm
The second sentence means that I don’t know if you will have time to go there. It looks confusing even though I wrote it. And I don’t know Why I can’t edit my own comment.
Chaeha · January 27, 2011 at 3:00 pm
The second sentence means that I don’t know if you will have time to go there. It looks confusing even though I wrote it. And I don’t know Why I can’t edit my own comment.
Grant Walker · January 28, 2011 at 10:59 am
Pretty nice living arrangements, looks like. The class building is sketchy as hell, though. I mean… whose idea was that? I almost wish the inside LOOKED like a warehouse, like those giant rooms they used stuff you in to take AP tests in high school.