intothekate · December 30, 2012


Many of you probably don’t know me, but I’m a friend of Gene and Steve’s, and have met many members of the club. A few days ago, Gene asked me to write a list of my favorite anime this year, and when I had nowhere to post it, I was asked to come here instead. I’ll refrain from adding a bunch of information that nobody cares about relating to myself, and just get right into this.

Top Ten Top Ten 2012 minesblog

Jack · December 29, 2012

Our usual review-writer was occupied with horrendous work hours conflicting with club showings, and I got buried under a pile of projects which wrecked my plans to write the reviews myself. To make up for lost time, this post is going to be divided into two parts: a long list of shows that weren’t particularly noteworthy, and a shorter list at the end of gems from this semester’s showings.

Japan minesblog

Jack · October 19, 2012

School happens sometimes. Unfortunately for us living the real world, it’s never nearly as interesting as it is in anime. Aliens? Drama? Saving the world? Nope, we get homework, homework, and more homework. It’s nice to escape that once in a while. It’s not like we have a weekly occurring event where we have to get through a predetermined amount of anime, and then provide some sort of writeup about it. That would be terrible.


Jack · October 4, 2012

Starting this past Wednesday, I’ll be playing a doujin game each week and putting up a review for it on the blog. By the nature of such things, the vast majority of them will be Touhou-based; fortunately, Japanese Touhou Doujin Games are of suprisingly high quality on the whole and should prove to be plenty fun/entertaining. First up this week:

Touhou: Rhythm Carnival


david · September 26, 2012

Hi all, For those that don’t know me I am David Alexander but most people call me Dave. I am a sophomore in CS and due to incredibly shitty scheduling on my part I haven’t made it to a single meeting this year but hopefully I can fix that soon. Anyway over the summer I decided to start playing some bullet hells since it was a genre I had never really touched. Any way long story short I found touhou and 1CC’d all of the main ones and thought I would share my opinions on them.


September 20, 2012

Warning: I will watch anything and have no real quality filter. Ratings are relative to other (not anime) shows. Spoilers ahead. I wont tell you that Verbal Kint is a ghost who kills Dumbledore with Rosebud, but be ready.


dante · September 9, 2012

There’s a reason video gamers never use Easy Mode.  It’s because it’s boring.  There’s so much more hardship and complexity left to be explored, and it would be otherwise wasted if only the easy paths were taken.  The same can be said about life in general.  Too often do the conveniences of the modern world lull people into tacitly following the course of least resistance, and too often is that course laden with mediocrity.  Today, I’ll explore some anime that celebrate those who break from the norm and forge their own path in pursuit of adventure.


dante · September 3, 2012

Welcome once again (you poor, doomed masses) to yet another exciting year of study at the Colorado School of Mines.  Major construction to the final building on campus is nearly complete, which means increased parking (Coming Soon: severely reduced parking).  Furthermore, your friendly CSM Anime Club (CSMAC) has returned to the luxurious HH202 lecture/theater hall.  Even your humble president “Boku wa” Jack Kelly has returned with 1 “successful” semester of leadership under his non-existent belt.  While much about this coming semester is known, there is far more which is not.  Will you survive Mines’ latest onslaught against your sanity?  Will there be any decent anime from Spring and Summer 2012?  Will Jack learn to group shows by an actual theme?  Find the answer to these questions and so many others in this week’s review.


Daniel · September 2, 2012
The first week of the CSMAC osu! competition has begun! The current format includes 12 maps covering a wide range of difficulties, and 3 personal challenges. The competition is fierce already, with multiple 4 mod SS’s being posted already. If you’re interested in the current standings or if you are thinking of joining the competition yourself, see If you don’t know what osu is, see
Games minesblog

dante · August 21, 2012

We’ve arrived at the final stretch for Spring semester.  Of course, CSM is never one to give a moment’s rest amongst the various reports, projects and final papers, so many courses are offered their last major exams before Finals.  CSMAC feels your pain, so get ready for an evening of pizza, soda, and mediocre anime.  Unless, of course, you weren’t there, in which case you get to be treated to only reviews of mediocre anime, and that’s just as good.  On to the review!


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