So, it seems like I gotta do a list too… Well, I was gonna do 10, but it seems like almost all the list is top 10 this and that. It’s even 20 10. You know, it’s too non-unique. So I decided to do 11.
Yeah, yeah, it’s late, but at least it’s still 2010.
After looking up and down gg’s list of 2010 Anime, rubbing my chin thoughtfully, gazing wistfully into the sunset, meditating upon my learnings for 10 days and nights, and shoveling snow in my driveway, I concluded two things.
Of eligible shows in 2010, I had started 28.
I had finished 7.
Son, I Am Disappoint
As I don’t feel qualified to review anything I haven’t completed, this clearly presents a problem. So, instead of reading Wikipedia and /a about random shows and pretending like I knew what I was talking about, I instead decided to review the 7 I actually watched, and add some filler top-picks at the bottom. Note that while this will be a “worst-to-best” list ala Grant, the fact that any show appears on this list at all means it was in the 25% I felt was worth watching, so it’s more like a “worst-of-the-best to best-of-the-best.” Or maybe, since I didn’t like 2010 that much, it’s a “worst-of-the-best-of-the-worst to best-of-the-best-of-the-worst.”
I went through about 4 iterations of this list. I had to think hard, something I’m not used to doing when it comes to anime. Especially this year. Not a lot of particularly “deep” anime series came out this year. The only reason any became deep was when I heard Chris talk about “loldark” explanations for most anime (I shat bricks when he told me the one about Squid Girl). 2010 didn’t have any anime that I would elevate to the point of “timeless,” but there were a few that were definitely at a different caliber of entertainment than others.
Then we have the various adaptations. There were a ton of those this year, including Bakuman, B Gata H Kei, Giant Killing, and RAINBOW, none of previously mentioned made this list (due to making me really bored most or part of the way through). On the plus side, I’m proud that we got through all the anime I had wanted to get through this year. The club got entirely caught up on the worthwhile 2009 anime, and in turn we managed to get to the 2010 stuff this semester, aka “the stuff nobody but me likes.”
So read on, because I have really bad taste in anime. It’s a miracle I’m your President at all.
I probably shouldn’t even post this, since I don’t do well at keeping up with new anime. As it turns out, the number of anime I have seen from this year pretty much adds up to exactly 10 different shows/movies/OVAs that I would consider myself to have ‘watched’ (I guess I count watched as having been upwards of 10 episodes, since Shiki will be on this list, and I haven’t really watched Shiki all the way through).
I will probably just list out each of the ten anime I gave attention to, give a short summary of my thoughts on each, and call it good. Hopefully my opinions invite discussion. However, this probably shouldn’t be considered a ‘top 10′ since I’ve only seen 10 different shows. Instead, it will be what I watched listed from least to greatest, in terms of the measure of enjoyment I got from them. Note that I’m just going off of the list Gene provided in his last post.
Before I really begin, let me just say that, even though this is more of a ‘worst to best’ list than a ‘top 10′ list, I don’t think that any of these shows are actually awful. As I put the list together, I realized just how hard it was placing some of them. Some of the placements I’m still unhappy with, but I feel like placing shows next to each other as ‘equals’ is sort of a cop-out, so the list is the list. I’ll try to keep spoilers out along the way, but no promises!