Hey, everyone! It’s time for another semester at the happiest place on earth, the Colorado School of Mines. For the new Freshman types that don’t know me, I’m Grant Walker, a Sophomore in Computer Science. I’m also not too bright, but you’ll figure that out as we go. Anyway, since last year, I’ve typically been posting my opinion on the anime we see each night, because everyone cares about my opinion.
It also gives you the chance to express your own thoughts in the convenient comment field below. Please feel free to do so.
Anyone like Kumikyoku? Well here’s a video I made for it, because I had a little free time (I mean, it’s not like I’m a busy grad student at a tough engineering school or anything).
Kumikyoku in Garageband
For you new freshmen, welcome! To you returning upper-classmen, welcome back! To the rest of you, put that gun down! You have so much to live for! It’s another great year of anime club to look forward to with more anime, more lack of sleep on Thursdays, and even more of me embarrassing myself in public. I’ve already changed the website banner to the show we’re featuring this semester, as well as had Matt print out the new ACTUAL banner we’ll be using this year; no more of the Naruto/Full Metal Panic. I think we’ll be keeping it for posterity or we’ll take it to cons or whatnot, I don’t really know.
If you are a freshman, this is most likely the poster that brought you here
The bottom part is an approximation because I actually wrote it in my last Vice President’s blood. It’s ok, Matt’s still alive everybody.
Hey guys. I know most of us don’t tend to throw money at our favorite directors, but my better half has informed me that Amazon is having a pretty huge sale on anime right now. Some of the selection is actually pretty tempting.
If you feel like paying for anime at the cost of putting up with jagged, oversize subtitles (not to mention the, you know, ACTUAL cost), then you might be interested.
So Anime Expo has been over for almost a month now. The reason it took me so long is I only just got back from California a few days ago, and I was busy pretty much the entire time I was there. However, now that I’ve settled back down at home and completed Catherine, I think it’s about time I talked about what went down at the expo.
So, I don’t know if you remember me saying that I’ll be back with more surprise, but here it is! It says I can’t upload any more images, so I made an ImageShack album.
Oh, god. Why are you so cute Miku… And what have those fools at Toyota done to MY MIKU!
And why did it have to be released in summer? Well, at least I feel much cooler with this in my room.
Before I start anything, this is not an awesome post or anything, but the last post was in May. I think the blog will start feel lonely soon if we don’t do anything about it.
However, I don’t think there’s gonna be many people reading this before the school starts, so SURPRISE! Bet you didn’t expect anything after Chris’s post.
Now, that I think of it, I’m doing this more to surprise you than anything. So, the value of the contents of this post close to none, if not zero. But I’m still going to insert more tag, to waste your time just little bit more. Remember I warned you.
No seriously, why do we like what we like, and how can that total weeaboo over there actually enjoy something like that?
The anime fanbase is probably the most divisive, controversial, contradictory, and passionate community I’ve managed to make myself a part of. This is probably due to the infinitely broad range of niche markets the anime industry as a whole caters to, combined with the fact that if you’re an anime fan in the US, you probably know how the internet works, and the first thing you do when you watch something is to share your experience online. And when that guy passes your favorite show off as pseudo-intellectual, otaku-pandering, mindless drivel, god damn but shit is gonna go down.
It’s one thing to see a show as complete garbage, but it’s another thing entirely to find out there’s an army willing to defend that show to the death–defend it in a scientific, literate, intelligent way. How could anyone intelligent enough to weave such arguments together possibly see redemption in this waste of pixels? After all, real anime fans would only watch what I watch.
It’s a topic I’ve spent many a minute pondering on the toilet, and in class. It’s something Gene touched upon in his last post, and was elaborated upon in the comments. Clashing tastes, and why it pisses us off so much when it happens.
As you know, this club is not a culmination of ideas from a dream I had last summer involving brain-eating aliens and fields full of flowers. Rather, it was much like a research project involving a lot of reading between the lines and ignoring advice from everybody except Matt and Daniel. My line of logic is not through innovation, but rather through anticipation. To be frank, I pay close attention to how other people do things, and promise myself NEVER TO DO THEM. This is why I read blogs and browse 4chan, because a good anime club president SHOULD. I didn’t read many blogs, but I’ll link a few that I “liked.”
whoooaaaa in a good way that is
To the point, this blog post is going to be about some of the stuff I did that I sometimes dragged Matt along for that I feel was really good for a club, and hopefully educate some of you on how not to scare newcomers off, especially when Fall comes around and we have to bring more people in. Not that I’m worried about that, I just really liked what we did this year and thought you all should know about it! Mina baka…
And neither is this blog, even though we’re out of showings. You didn’t seriously think we’d leave you in peace all summer, did you?
Finals are over and school is done, but it’s like my life didn’t get any easier. Thanks to all of my procrastination of procrastination, all of that “I’ll do it over summer” is now catching up. So much anime to watch, so many games to play, and so many miscellaneous things to waste time on. This happens every summer, and I never finish everything, and then I push it all to next summer. It’s like some kind of endless loop, or something.