Finally, at long last, the true bad anime night has arrived. And what a groan-inducing night it was. This normally wouldn’t be a good thing, but we would expect nothing more from blacklisted anime night.
What this night's all about.
Boy, do I love bad anime.
Okay, no more messing around. We’re moving right on to my opinion.
The tamest picture I could find on the Google.
Sadly, probably the best show of the night. A show populated full of girls with powers that seem to target the integrity of other girls’ clothing. Seriously, that was the only thing that happened in these fights: the loser ended up nude. Gratuitous breasts abound, and the camera was deliberately placed a foot lower than it really needed to be at all times, be that so you could get a good eyeful of a lady’s chest or so you could check out the floral patterns on her panties.
The constant violence was kind of fun, too. My inner perpetually-hurt, angsty teenager was in love with the constant almost death and blood. What more could a person want from an anime? If the episode isn’t enough, the burger porn in the ED just tops everything off.
Coming to the plot, it was actually surprisingly, um.. shounen? Obviously this is a show meant for those older than most shounen media is targeted to, but the school house situations were kind of eerily similar in that petty way. Especially in episode 3, where some bitch is slighted enough to start having sex with the “Untouchable Queen”. Starting with the second episode, the Untouchable Queen starts being a lot less… untouchable. It’s weird.
I’ve heard that the manga’s better (from Matt B, of course, and I think Gene agreed with him), and it’s not that I’m super doubtful, but it seems like it would take a LOT to turn a good manga into something like that. Then again, though, I like the Gantz manga, and the anime was nigh unwatchable. Maybe I’ll have to look into the manga to make sure it’s not bad.
Anyway, I can’t think of anything else to say about Freezing. I guess if you like boobs and lots of blood you’d like this show, but even then, there are probably better shows to get that from (like Elfen Lied or something).
Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Girls
So the link I got this from claims the show is "awesome-sauce"…
Speaking of Elfen Lied, let’s talk about Samurai Girls. Did anyone else see a lot of parallels borrowed material here?
Red-headed buxom girl goes from generic ditz to general killer badass at random points, sort of thing? I guess the Jubei girl was a ‘samurai’ and thus followed some sort of honor code but who cares when there’s lots of ink-covered breasts on screen and stuff?
Yeah, instead of plot, this show not only had PLOT as a suitable replacement, but also a good handful of BLOT. Get it? Because the… the ink, and stuff. BLOT. Speaking of, I guess I did like the sort of water color art style thing they were doing there, but otherwise it certainly wasn’t anything special. I’d like to see something similar executed in a better anime.
Anyway, if you like cliche shows full of BLOT which reuse historical names in kind of a silly way then you might like this show. Moving on… to the king of blacklisted anime night.
Garzey’s Wing
Aw damn.
Shit. I know Gene said it was bad (and I wasn’t even there for the third episode), but damn, it truly was. It actually made me noxious, sweaty, and a little panicky inside because I was finding it difficult to believe this shit was allowed to release. I have no doubt it would have been better subbed, but I don’t say that as if it would have been saved.
Still, Wikipedia claims that this show is a cult classic. What? Really? I find that more infuriating than anything. Was there anything good about it? I’m just confused. Derp.
The dub was probably the worst I’ve ever heard. I’m hoping it makes some kind of sense in Japanese, because not only was the acting horrid, but the translation was… beyond that. I was actually cracking up in the first episode at how awful everything was, disbelieving.
But no. It was real. I want to believe it was a troll dub, and for some of the actors I’m sure it was, but something tells me it would be impossible to act most of these lines well anyway. Everything seemed very… abrupt and paced super fast, and that’s something the dub couldn’t handle at all. One minute Chris would be saying something and the next be yelling at his necklace.
Still, since it made me laugh, it’s not completely worthless. I can see why it was chosen for blacklisted anime night.
Incidentally, the guy who created, wrote, and directed this show is also the guy who created Gundam. It’s kind of funny, since Gundam really isn’t that bad, and Garzey’s Wing is, and this was made about 17 years after Gundam was. I guess the guy went senile somewhere in the time, or something.
Ah, well, it was a pretty good night, despite having been filled with suck. Hope this didn’t scare anyone off of honestly good anime or anything.
Freezing is laughably bad, and might be watchable for the lulz. I only made it to Episode 2 on my own, though, and I don’t expect to get any farther. I’ve heard that the anime is pretty much nothing at all like the manga from various sources; maybe I’ll check that out sometime.
Samurai Girls was…umm. Somewhere, a Japanese historian is crying loudly. All of the legendary samurai and ninja of Japanese history…made into female high school students and placed into a harem. Seriously? I guess it’s just light-hearted comedy, but still.
Watching Garzey’s Wing gave me a brain tumor that I had to zap with 3 hours of Madoka. I watched part of it a while ago with Gene, and I think it speaks for itself. It’s basically universally acclaimed to be the worst thing ever, and there’s not a lot of opinions anime fans will unite over. I have to wonder how many times the voice actors had to reread their lines to say them with a relatively straight face. I want to say that it was all a joke, and that the dub was a troll dub, but…I don’t know.
6 cans of cheap soda and 300g of sugar FTW. Still almost fell asleep in Garzey’s Wing until I got distracted by OreImo Strip Breakout on Chaeha’s PSP. Speaking of which, was really good to see Alex again. The products and pictures he brought back were ridiculously awesome.