Febuary 16: Movie Night Numbah One

Grant Walker · February 17, 2011

Hey, everyone. I figured I should take a break from trying to stump Akinator and come do this. I was able to sit in on the entire showing this week, so it looks like I get to do the weekly post again. Huzzah! How exciting.


So excited I put my guns on.

Last night was a pretty good one. I finally got to see Ore Imo, something I’ve put off because of its being featured, and then I got to see more Eden of the East, which is just great anyway. I sort of feel sorry for anyone who hadn’t seen the series or first movie, though…

Anyway, onto the post!

Ore no Imōto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai


So I guess the show is about these guys.

Oh yeah, you’ll notice I’m borrowing Jack’s bolding each section thing, because it’s smart and makes the whole thing a bit more organized and readable. Thanks, Jack. I knew the blog would be better without me around.

Anyway, about OreImo: like I said, I’d been waiting a long time to see this, given all the excitement surrounding it. I had a vague idea of what it was about, but chose not to watch any of it until the showing. Given that there was a dangerous amount of hype around this show, I was afraid it might all deflate in comparison and end up being something which wasn’t so great. That said, I’ve also heard it’s a pretty polarizing show which you either love or hate. I didn’t really have any idea which of those I would be. Then this showing happened, and…

I think I can safely say the first two episodes did not disappoint.

I can see myself enjoying this show. From what we’ve seen so far, I wouldn’t say it’s shaping up to be a masterpiece or anything, but OreImo was often pretty funny and definitely had the promised copious amounts of satire, almost to the point of making one uncomfortable. That’s not really a bad thing, though. As it is, I don’t think I’ve seen enough to come up with a concrete opinion on the show.

Overall it was a good watch, and I kind of like when shows change ED’s. It’s just sort of a neat move, I think. Gives me something to look forward to for the future episodes! Besides the actual content, that is. I guess that’s important, too. At any rate, I’m looking forward to seeing more of this series over the semester, so I hope not everyone hates it!

Eden of the East the Movie II: Paradise Lost


I want a cell phone like that.

Then was the Eden of the East movie. To start, I’ll say I enjoyed the film, but I do have plenty to gripe about.

First off, there are some issues I have with it being a movie in the first place. Complaints incoming: as nice as these movies are, I don’t see why they couldn’t have just extended the length of the show. I feel like another 6 or 7 episodes would have accomplished the same thing that the two movies did, and probably would have accomplished them better.

There is a distinct lack of… excitement in Paradise Lost. There’s almost no suspense or action taking place. All the reveals are interesting, but that’s almost entirely what the movie was: reveals about Takizawa’s past, Outside/Saizo’s identity, more of Mononobe’s intentions, how Saizo chose the players, that sort of thing. It’s fine in that it gets things done, but the movie is sometimes actually kind of boring, where the show was punctuated with plenty of action and suspense, and it certainly ended with a bang (haha, see what I did there) so why can’t the movie do the same?

Fortunately, the excess of character likability remains intact in the movie. I like all of the protagonists, and all of the Selecao are interesting in their own way–even though most of them are out of commission at this point. This helps make the plodding of the movie a bit more interesting, so it’s nice.

As for the ending, I liked it. It was probably the best part of the movie (including the post-credits scene). It also has me convinced that the series isn’t quite over, even if Saizo’s game is, but maybe that’s just me being hopeful. Mononobe’s corpse is never explicitly shown, so I have a feeling he’ll be up to something in the future, too. Hell, even Yuuki might still be alive. Also, Selecao 7 was never shown at all, Selecao 3′s role was very minor, and all we got from 8 was a listless stare at the sky, so I have a feeling we’ll see more of them, as well.

Here’s hoping for a good third movie, whenever it may be!

And that’s all I have to say today. Comment or don’t as usual!

Responses to Febuary 16: Movie Night Numbah One

Chris · February 17, 2011 at 3:17 pm

Glad you liked OreImo. It is kind of a niche show, and probably not for everyone, but I enjoyed the satire in it. Kirino isn’t exactly my favorite character ever (I ranked her as Worst Little Sister of 2010, after all), but she does what she needs to do.

I sadly never watched the first Eden of the East movie (though I watched the show), but I was still able to get most of the backstory. I think they made movies so they could take as long as they needed to to make them (aka lazy). But yeah, a 24-episode series would probably have done just fine. Movie 3 to come?

Nanoha next week. Good thing? I guess we’ll see.

Jack · February 17, 2011 at 3:25 pm

Eden of the East must have been incredibly confusing for anyone who didn’t see any of the rest of the series. I imagine seeing the first movie (I know a couple of my friends only saw that) would keep the viewer from being completely lost. I’m kinda curious to hear back from someone who went into it “blind.”

As for seeing more of the series, I can’t say I’d complain. I think something like a series of prequel episodes detailing who the selecao were, how Saizo earned his fortune, how he managed to set up the Selecao network, etc would be really cool. Straight continuation of the plot would be nice as well, but I think most of the unexplored territory the series has left lies in the past rather than the future.

>> [the series] ended with a bang.

Goddamnit Grant.

Gene · February 17, 2011 at 7:57 pm

So uh, I have an outdated list, the Gundam 00 movie is actually next week, as per the super-secret contract formed by the officers in your anime club. The covenant has spoken, Nanoha won’t be for another 2-3 weeks.

Hope you all don’t mind if I ramble about Ore Imo later, it’s definitely pretty niche.