Our usual poster, Grant, had to walk out early and miss most of the showing. I bravely and valiantly volunteered to take on this most sacred of duties and ramble about what we watched for a couple hundred words.
This was also our last week in Alderson, so hurray! We’ll have nice seats again! On the other hand, we’re starting to scrape the bottom of the barrel for shows to watch. Hopefully Gene has some good stuff planned for us in the upcoming weeks (OreImo and Eden of the East at least ought to be good).
Star Driver
AKA Gurren Lagann with FABULOUS instead of MANLINESS.
The first half of the first episode is fairly standard. Main character shows up, meets the two characters who’ll be his sidekicks through the rest of the series, and finally a brief segment with some high school shenanigans. And then the OP happens and suddenly tons of plot gets dropped on us.
Or at least, something resembling plot. The first episode ends after Takuto discovers he’s the main character (a “Galactic Pretty Boy”), and destroys a bullishly masculine giant robot with his flamboyantly metrosexual giant robot. After this, the high school and Kiraboshi conspiracy segments become much more intertwined, with the show setting out to set up some kind of shadow war/organization setting up behind the scenes at the academy where all the characters attend school.
We know he's the main character because he sits in the protagonist seat. IT'S ANIME LAW.
And you know, it does a pretty damn good job of it too. The real world sections sprinkled out just enough hints about the nature of the Glittering Star Brigade to keep me interested and sated until it breaks out the Monster Giant Robot of the Week. The animation is nothing special in the real world, but in the Zero Space segments it has a smooth and sparkly style that is very reminiscent of TTGL. Which is awsome.
I don’t know how well it sustains itself over its (close to done) 25 episode run, but the first few episodes show promise. I suspect I’ll be watching it later this semester or this summer, after I finally get around to acquiring and watching Shiki.
My giant mecha can't be this fabulous.
Otome Youkai Zero
In case you missed it, I summarized the show as “Three dudes team up with three lady (half-)youkai to do [stuff that probably won’t matter at all]“. I wasn’t too far off the mark.
This is the official art piece. Subtlety is not an option when it comes to 'shipping.
To be fair, though, it wasn’t a terrible anime. The comedy was okay, you have your choice of three romances (twins, shrinking violet, or tsundere), and on the whole the show doesn’t take itself too seriously.
At just 13 episodes, probably not a total waste of your time. You can probably find 13 episodes of better anime that you haven’t watched yet, though, so you should probably do that instead.
This one’s ongoing if you didn’t know. Episode 6 of 24 should be out soon after I post this.
It’s a mystery show with a teen(?) romance/relationship plot snuggled up next to it. Gosick handles the romance angle with a fairly subdued reuse of the classic “generic guy, tsundere girl” approach (with a slight twist I’ll mention below), but it falls short on the mystery angle.
Kujo is almost sitting in the protagonist seat. Appropriate, considering he's almost the protagonist of the show.
If you read Sherlock Holmes (or even watched the movie), you might have realized that the reason it’s upheld as a paragon of the mystery genre is that the audience, in the vast majority of cases, is aware of all the clues necessary to solve the mystery at hand. Gosick hasn’t noticed this, or simply doesn’t care. Instead of seeing Victorica put together all the little “fragments of chaos” that we missed or discarded as irrelevant, we instead get to see her pull clues out her ass and come up with brilliant deductions from nowhere. Which is rather unsatisfying from the mystery perspective, to say the least. (This might be better handled in the LNs, where the medium is much better suited to non-visual descriptions)
As for the twist in the relationship plot: In episode two, there’s a brief scene where Kujo and Victorica are on a train, and Victorica is super excited and happy to be able to stick her head out the window and feel open air for once. Inevitably, Kujo ruins the moment and Victorica settles into the tsundere archetype of the Bitchy//Clingy split. I think I would like the series more if we got more of Victorica acting out childish wonder (as might be expected of a recluse being let out for the first time) contrasting against the somewhat dark mysteries she has to solve. We get some of it, but it’s usually drowned out by Victorica bitching at/clinging to Kujo.
More of this, please.
Still, I am following it as it airs, so it’s not unwatchable. I think the only things saving it, though, are the uncommon setting and the fact that seeing a mystery-genre anime is rather a rarity, even if it isn’t particularly well-done. (Unlike a certain other detective show we watched two weeks ago, which was just plain bad).
Responses to Bad Anime Boring Anime FABULOUS Anime Night
Grant Walker · February 10, 2011 at 12:45 pm
I thought Star Driver was a kids’ show that was trying really hard not to be a kids’ show. It was pretty cheesy and contrived and I thought it was rather bad. The plot also made pretty much no sense. To be fair, though, I did have to leave after the second episode, so maybe I’m missing something. Anyways, it’s not a show I need to watch more of, that’s for sure.
Didn’t see Otome. ): Probably won’t bother to see it on my own, either, unless someone starts telling me how AWESOME it is.
Gosick was alright. I missed a little of the second episode, but from what I saw it seemed decent. I doubt I’ll watch more, but yeah, decent. You already pointed out most of its flaws; it’s not very interesting to watch the loli just whip out a metric ton of conjecture and turn out to be right about everything (that’s only fun in Phoenix Wright).
In other news, I CAN’T WAIT until second Eden of the East movie. I’ve really enjoyed the series so far, so I’m looking forward to more while hoping it doesn’t start to suck. Also looking forward to OreImo, since I’ve put off watching it since it’s the featured anime. Should be good stuff next week.
Gene · February 10, 2011 at 7:49 pm
God, galactic pretty boy, not sure if I want either. Good review, thanks for covering this week.
steve · February 13, 2011 at 4:00 pm
At first I was like o.O?
Then I was like =(
Otome didn’t really hold my interest, or maybe I just wasn’t paying attention; probably the latter.
Gosick is a show I’m following right now. Mystery is one of my favorite genres of stories, and this one is… meh… The deductive reasoning is kinda fun. I don’t really feel like anything TOO far from what is presented is deduced, but some of it is a stretch. The first arc I thought was pretty cool, just because of the supernatural element thrown in with historical fiction and fact. I won’t say anything about future arcs in case others would like to be surprised, since this is a mystery show.
I’m excited to rewatch 「俺の妹がこんあに可愛いわけがない」starting next week. It was definitely one of the best shows from last year.
Matthew Strand · February 14, 2011 at 4:30 pm
I missed Otome for an exam, and my sisters will enjoy Gossick. I think I’ll keep Star Driver in mind as an example of what good anime isn’t.
Gene · February 14, 2011 at 6:29 pm
Remind me to keep following those. I have all of Otome actually, but I’ve been lazing on Gosick.
Gene · February 14, 2011 at 6:29 pm
@Matthew Strand
Remind me to keep following those. I have all of Otome actually, but I’ve been lazing on Gosick.