10-27-10 Showing: Zombie Night

Grant Walker · October 28, 2010

‘Sup, guys! Just Grant again, creating a post about last night’s showing since no one else has done so, yet. As a reminder, the shows we watched for zombie night were Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei followed by High School of the Dead, and we ended with two episodes of Hellsing Ultimate, the OVA.

Like usual, I’ll just give a few of my own comments on each of the shows, and then it’ll be open from there for anyone who’s interested. Here we go!

It’s hard for me to find much to say about Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei. This is probably because we watched so little of it, and I had a problem figuring out what was going on. The unfortunate skipping problem that we had made it almost unwatchable for me, actually, but it was still pretty funny at times. I’d like to revisit this anime sometime to get a better idea of what it’s about. It looks to be some form of satire show, but I really haven’t seen enough to say. Only one part of it may have been appropriate for zombie night, but that’s okay!

The second show we watched was High School of the Dead. I’ve already made a pseudo-review of it here. My general thoughts on the show basically go like this: I like it and I think it’s a good show, but there’s too damn much fanservice. An obvious choice for zombie night, though, right?

Lastly was Hellsing Ultimate. First I should just say that I dislike Hellsing. I don’t know why. I can’t rationalize my distaste for this series. I just don’t like it. I’ve tried to enjoy it, though, trust me. This was my third time watching the first two episodes of the OVA, and I’ve read a few volumes of the manga, but for some reason I just can’t get into it. It could be the art, or the names, or the general feel of ‘pretension’ I get from the show (which must sound weird coming from an Eva fan), but I have no idea why it holds so many people in thrall. I guess if you enjoy it, more power to you, but it just isn’t my thing.


This guy

Overall I think it was a great showing, though, even though the first slot was full of skipping/volume problems and the third slot was plagued with Hellsing. I also liked the AMV that Matt started off with. I had actually seen it before in an AMV contest at Anime Expo 2010 in Los Angeles this past summer, and it was a real crowd pleaser there, so I hope I wasn’t the only one that enjoyed it. I know nothing about Soul Eater, though.

And that’s all from me! See you guys next week.

Responses to 10-27-10 Showing: Zombie Night

steve · October 28, 2010 at 1:41 pm

Last night’s showing was pretty damn good.

Sayonara Zetsubo-Sensei: wat…

In all seriousness though, had we not been plagued with the sound issue I think I would have enjoyed this more. I would like to go back and watch its entirety sometime.

HOTD: I watched this show when it aired over this past summer, and I liked it. Unfortunately, the first few episodes are about as win as the anime gets: tons of fanservice (WHICH YOU CAN NEVER HAVE TOO MUCH OF EVER), blood, gore, zombies. The first two episodes are just soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good and unfortunately, the series just kind of tapers off after that. I highly recommend that everybody watch episode 6 so that you know just how hard the fanservice game is. When (if) the second season comes out, I will probably still watch the show because I just really like zombie shows… also the fanservice is nice.

Hellsing Ultimate: SO MUCH WIN IN THIS SHOW. Seriously, I just finished watching the rest of the series that’s out and I’m fairly impressed. If you like supernatural/horror/psychological genre, you will like this series. I’m really anticipating the last two OVAs now (if they ever come out). Best of the night by far and definitely one to watch in its entirety.

Overall, this was a fairly good showing. Next week is disturbia night, so I’m super fucking excited about that. Horror is probably my favorite genre of anime because with shows like Shiki (which is playing =DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD) you get some of the best story telling I have seen in any sort of media outlet.

Now off to Shiki13 =D.

Chris · October 29, 2010 at 11:18 am

I was unfortunately unable to go to this showing, thanks to a Circuits Exam (FFFFFUUUUU) requiring me to study for it. Hope the soda-drinking game was fun, HSotD has no shortage of PLOT. Sorry to hear that there was a skipping problem, Zetsubou-Sensei really is a funny show. It’s basically about a rather depressed teacher (Itoshiki Nozomu) who periodically (unsuccessfully) attempts to commit suicide due to stupid, trivial little things. All of the girls in his class have some kind of weird psychological quirk (bordering on psychosis), and all of them are inexplicably attracted to their teacher. It’s mostly black comedy, and it’s done by Shaft, so you can expect weird art. I don’t know which season was shown during showing, but they’re all probably on the club HD if you want to check them out.

I’m definitely looking forward to Disturbia Night next week. Hope to see you all there!