anime-admin · February 27, 2011

Having a father like Gendou must be really hard. He’s always getting into your business, checking the things you buy, and sometimes punches you in the face. Then, you’re expected to go to school and act like nothing’s wrong, that all these bumps and bruises came from falling down the stairs, and at the same time deal with trivial crap from your sister. On top of that, you have to fly a robot in order to protect the world and totally friendzone your childhood friend.

Sound familiar?

Yep, I’d hate my life if I was surrounded by beautiful women who beat me. Sounds like a real hell on Earth.

Japan OreImo Winter 11 minesblog

anime-admin · February 21, 2011

So here’s the “analysis” and “conclusions” part of the ongoing OreImo showings. Hopefully I’ll be able to churn one of these out each weekend following the movie showings and such. Gee, it sure is hard sticking up for a crappy series trollface;

Anyway, Daniel’s post made me think of this:

My Ragna can't be this INFERNOH DEVOWAR

Fall 10 OreImo minesblog