Chaeha · October 4, 2011 at 12:05 pm
Hello everybody (bitch at me now Chaeha), time for this week’s showing preview! Wednesday, 6pm, BE241. Anime > School, show up.
[C] 5 and 6
We’re watching it, so here’s its spot. Watching episodes 5 and 6 this week; if you need to get caught up, read Matt’s review from last week here.
The Borrower Arrietty (借りぐらしのアリエッティ)
I don’t know anything about this show, but Gene says we’re showing it. This movie was produced by Studio Ghibli and premiered last July. Here’s part of the synopsis from wikipedia:
The story takes place in 2010 in Koganei, western Tokyo and like the novel revolves around a group of “tiny people” who are 10 cm tall and live under the floorboards of a typical human household.
A boy named Shō arrives at the house his mother lived in as a child, to live with his great aunt Sadako. When Shō leaves the car, he sees a cat trying to attack something in the bushes, but the cat leaves after being attacked by a crow. Shō goes to see what the cat was trying to attack. He then sees a Borrower named Arrietty.
Hopefully more people show up than last week, but then lol exams. Member dues are $2 for the semester and give you access to the club library and pay for pizza and soda next week =D. No member dues, no pizza. I’m kind of a Nazi when it comes to determining who gets pizza, so member dues if you want some; ve haf vays of traking you. We still have Ramune for $1.50 for those so inclined.
We’ll see you on Wednesday, bring your friends!
Chaeha · October 4, 2011 at 12:05 pm
Chris · October 4, 2011 at 11:03 pm
If it’s Studio Ghibli, it’s probably amazing.
Oh yeah, Gene was thinking of putting something else in next week before Redline/pizza, since we’re technically a week ahead of schedule (the movie we were going to show last week still has no subs, or something, so we moved UBW up). So I guess that gives everyone another week to pay dues. Fuck school, watch anime, etc.