anime-admin · November 15, 2011

I sure do enjoy the leadership here at the Colorado School of Mines anime club. They’re obviously smart, handsome, and have excellent taste in anime. After all, they wouldn’t lead the club in the first place~! (●´∀`●)

Way less boring when Kirino is around! This would've made Madoka better for sure!

Obviously I think Kirino is awesome if you couldn’t tell, LOL!(@ ∀@) Ore Imo was the best anime ever and I’m glad it was featured a semester ago. Too bad no anime will ever compare to it (unless they release a season 2! OLOL)

The shows we watched were Guilty Crown, Persona 4, and Bakas and Tests, Summon the Beast! (season 2). We also watched Day[9] play Amnesia! He’s so fat! I’ll be sure to give unbiased and clear reviews of each of these because no one wants to read an unfair review from some short troll with a short attention span.


dante · November 9, 2011

The year of 2011 has been nothing if not controversial in the world of anime.  The law banning “unsafe” sexual images in Tokyo, the massive tsunami that halted all production of anime for at least 2 weeks, and the extreme disparity between high and low-quality anime has affected the anime community in very profound ways.  Today, I’ll be reviewing what your friendly CSMAC Senior Staff considers the best anime of the Fall season.  Now, that might mean different things to different people, considering that the best anime of this spring was Madoka Magica, and the best animes from this summer were Usagi Drop and No. 6 (remember that disparity I told you about?).  That said, grab a snack (seriously, you’ll be sorry if you don’t) and the enjoy the “best” that Japan has to offer you for Fall.


dante · October 31, 2011

For years now, you have read this blog and watched the related anime from a distance.  As such, you’ve merely been living vicariously through the television shows that give you such comfort.  This has caused you to go through life feeling superior to those around you, those who are doomed to watch substandard American animation and reality shows.  However, this mentality has kept you from knowing the horrors of the entertainment industry.  This week, I offer you true terror.  In front of you is a link.  Should you choose to click it, a Night of Disturbia awaits, seeking to unsettle and jar you from your mundane reading experience.  You may have to play an eroge VN game, or perhaps try your hand at fortune-telling, or even assume the role of a serial-killing pop star.  Should you not click, the device around your neck will detonate, and totally ruin your day.  Choose carefully, you only have 60 seconds.

Read or die.  Make your choice.


Chaeha · October 27, 2011

So, Matt wanted me to write a review for Koe de Oshigoto! And I’m guessing that is because I’m the seiyuu otaku in our club. Well, I’ll just say it. I won’t. Anime review is not really my forte. I’d say that’s because I’m a type of person who lives in his childhood memories, so while I DO like current stuff, if I have to choose, I’d rather watch all the old stuff I watched back then. So I don’t really watch relatively new anime carefully enough to write a review.

However, I WILL write about my love for VA’s in general. That should make it up, right?


dante · October 26, 2011

So, last week concluded the 1st wave of major exams.  What better way to enjoy your victory lap than to enjoy pizza and great anime with friends?  As it turns out, there’s a lot of better ways, but you ended up doing this instead.  Today, I’m discussing the thrilling conclusion to [C] and the anime movie REDLINE.  Put the pedal to the (death) metal and start reading!


dante · October 18, 2011

So we’ve passed the 4th straight week of major exams, and tensions have been running higher than usual.  Thankfully, you can vent your frustrations by screaming at a projector screen in a crowded room with your fellow anime fanatics.  This week, we’re covering the 3rd Act of [C] and the Eureka Seven movie.  Down your reading beverage of choice and leave your pride at the door.


dante · October 8, 2011

We are now in the 3rd week of the CSM Examination Nightmarathon™, but don’t despair.  The friendly CSMAC Senior Staff has more anime to cram into your brain, which incidentally forces out most of the information you’re about to be tested on.  Read the fine print, people!


Steve W · October 4, 2011

Hello everybody (bitch at me now Chaeha), time for this week’s showing preview!  Wednesday, 6pm, BE241.  Anime > School, show up.


dante · October 2, 2011

It’s the second week of major exams, which means meeting attendance is cut in half.  For those with nothing better to do on a Wednesday night, CSMAC (CSM Anime Club to the rest of you) is here to reward your slacker ways.  Join me now for a long, long critique of this week’s anime.  Grab a snack.


Steve W · September 27, 2011

こんばんわみんなさん(Chaeha already corrected me)!Time for another showing preview.  As always, BE241, 6 PM… be there or you’re not cool.  Because we’re cool people, and  you know you want to hang out with cool people =D.


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