steve · January 10, 2011 at 11:08 pm
It would be OnePiece…
I’m looking forward to that food post if you get around to it. Definitely one of the main reasons I would like to visit Japan.
Wow how time flies. Well I’m over the jet-lag now but the craziness continues on.
So this is for some sort of lottery. If you lose do they put metal clamps on your lips and force you to eat coins? O, the mysteries of life fascinate me. While I pondering this I went up to Okazaki castle on the weekend.
It was about a 5km walk from my dorm to get to Okazaki castle but well worth it. It is located in center of Okazaki but has some of the largest open spaces I have yet to see in japan. On one side of a street you have a row of apartments and businesses and the other a traditional castle wall.
Here is the main castle. It burned down in world war 2 and was building housing a museum. No photography in the museum so no pics of the cool swords and armor.
It even has a jinjya right next to the castle.
I have always thought that this style of castle was impressive in pictures. Its awesome to be able to see them in person. I was very impressed with the traditional Japanese castles. I expect to go and visit the ones in Osaka if I have time. I have a lot more pictures I uploaded to my Facebook pages.
On the long walk I saw one of the awesome car elevator parking.
Parking using SCIENCE!
I think Mines could use a few of these parking structures around campus.
mmmm, home made and good taste
In the week I have been here I have seen only 2 advertisements for anything anime related. The first of which was this movie promo for some anime that looks like half giant killing half yugioh. The second one was some sort of promotion outside a car dealer for one piece.
With this first week of mostly travel down my Japanese classes are starting up. So far the most awesome thing about japan is the food. You can buy awesome bento and onigiri from any random convince store. I’ll probably end up doing an entire post on food at some point.
steve · January 10, 2011 at 11:08 pm
It would be OnePiece…
I’m looking forward to that food post if you get around to it. Definitely one of the main reasons I would like to visit Japan.
Grant Walker · January 11, 2011 at 7:34 pm
I also think a food post would be cool. Not only that, though, but I’m curious as to what sort of place you’re staying in. As in, what are your actual lodgings like? I think it’d be cool to see what you have going on.
This will probably sound callous and presumptive of me, but I actually am surprised you’ve seen so little reference to anime since arriving. I guess it makes sense, though.