Chaeha · February 25, 2011 at 2:37 pm
So, let’s talk about Madoka, cause we are Madoka discussion club, right?
What, no? Man, I was so sure.
Anyway, Madoka’s already on 8th episode. Many of those theories are coming true. So are our job as potential philosophers here done?
The answer is no. There are still few questions unanswered, and it is our job to at least think about them, as fans of the series. Plus, thinking is fun. It makes human human, as no other life-forms can think of anything this complex.
1. What is Kyuubee’s purpose?
This, right now, is one of the most important questions to answer. If we know the purpose, it is easy to figure out the rest. One thing we know is that Kyuubee collects used Grief Seeds for some reason. The reason could be that it’s Kyuubee’s food source.
a. Are they Kyuubee’s food?
One might think, “Then why is he not getting the fresh one?”
Think about it this way. We humans don’t usually eat chicks. We wait for them to become chickens. Or he just likes them black. This is all I could come up with the reason Grief Seeds being Kyuubee’s food.
Then why is he making the Magical Girls to fight the Witches?
As we saw, the Magical Girls become the Witches if they don’t cleanse the Soul Gem using the Grief Seed. The more magic they use, the more chance of them becoming the Witches.
Now, where are all the Witches coming from?
It seems like there need to be as many Witches as Magical Girls. Were there that many of them? Or is there some other way of becoming them?
It is a fact that the Familiars eat human and become Witches. Are they the source? It is heavily implied that Sayaka killed those two in the train. Do the “Familiars” refer to Magical Girls who are about to become the Witches?
b. What if Kyuubee’s actually planning something?
That looks too complicated for just getting food and survive. There must be some other reason.
Now, let’s all go back a little bit. Remember where Charlotte’s Grief Seed was? It was just there. It hadn’t been even hatched yet. At the ep 8, it didn’t seem like the Grief Seed just appear somewhere when a Magical Girl becomes a Witch. Then how did Charlotte’s Seed come up here? Is there some other way that Witches just born?
We don’t know that yet. So let’s talk about what we DO know.
It was revealed in the manga version (I think) that fully used Grief Seeds (i.e. that became dark) can hatch into a Witch. Now, remember who takes the used Grief Seeds. It’s Kyuubee.
Then we can come to a theory that Kyuubee rotates Witches from time to time. Why is he doing that? Theoretically, if he does that, the number of Witches, or Grief Seeds, he has will only go up. He could be trying to make an army of Witches or something like that.
We can’t ignore the fact that Kyuubee could actually be an incubator, instead of the incubator that produces Witches, that has something inside who feeds off from the Grief Seeds.
So, it seems like everyone was right. Kyuubee IS the bad guy.
But we are forgetting one important thing.
2. Who said the Witches were bad?
Exactly. It’s Urobuchi. We can’t just assume Witches are bad.
We have to remember where the Witches are from. Grief Seeds. In the ep 8, the Soul Gem breaks when the tear drops on it. (Or something like that) Colors like black are usually used to express sadness. Witches are born from a soul full of grief of the world.
I’d feel pretty sad if I had to kill those things. This explains why the Soul Gems get dirty after the fight.
The Familiars of the first Witch talks about sending roses to the “queen.” The lady who tried to jump of from a building looked like an office lady. It is around this time when we hear Madoka’s mom complaining about work.
Maybe Witches are not cause, but just a phenomenon. Maybe the lady wasn’t trying to kill herself because of the Witch. Maybe the Witch came to exist because she tried to kill herself. Maybe the lady just wanted to become a “queen.”
Charlotte could have been sad because there was no cheese, or no one else to have a cup of tea with. The TV Witch talks about how fun it was. The Witch is a hikikomori, but her world was full of attractions. Maybe she a weak girl who just wanted to go outside with friends and play.
a. No lies from Kyuubee?
I don’t really remember Kyuubee lying. He just doesn’t tell the whole truth. Why is that? If he is the bad guy, why not just lie about some stuff?
He seems to explain things when asked. He once talked about rules and stuff. Is there someone above him? This could explain how Madoka/Homura could go back in time. If he is the mastermind behind all this, he wouldn’t turn back the time, no matter who wished it. Why would he risk his plan?
b. So, what is happening?
In this theory, this is what I got out of. Kyuubee is sent by God or something similar to human world. His job is to control the grief out there. But as the time goes, he couldn’t do it anymore.
Then he found Madoka, who had such a great potential. He mentioned that she can do things he can’t do. Together, they will either make a world without grief, or just destroy world. Homura is trying to stop because, for the first option, Madoka will be the only one in the world who knows what a grief is, and she will bear all the grief in the world. The second option, I don’t think I need to explain.
This could be a possible answer to why Kyuubee wants to make a contract with Madoka so bad. Also, Madoka who has known all the sadness may be the one who sent Homura, her good friend or even herself, to stop this from happening.
This is like Evangelion, just like Steve said. Would you want to know and be everything or live with incompleteness.
3. Who is Homura?
There are so many theories about Homura. One thing that is sure is that she did turn out to be not from this world, or at least this time line.
a. Homura is Homura
Homura is Madoka’s one of the closest friend. She came from future where Madoka suffers, and now she’s trying to stop that.
This was the most popular theory about Homura, and what I believed. The evidences are her expression when Madoka calls her Akemi-san, the silhouette in the ED, and the scene where she seems to be waiting for someone after class.
b. Homura is Madoka
This is what I’m pushing now. The fact that she seems to know so much about Madoka, knowing where she is at certain times, (even friends can’t know everything) and she tries so hard to stop Madoka, and much more that I probably missed.
And Homura was already a Magical Girl at the prologue. So if it’s actually Madoka, who hadn’t made a wish, time reset could happen.
There are some lyrics from ED that may or may not refer to this theory.
Also, the noise from ep 8. When Sayaka was talking to Madoka, the scene changes for a moment where it looked as if it was what happened before, but when Madoka says “have we met before,” there’s just a noise. I personally felt this was saying they “haven’t met,” but somehow have a connection. Or Madoka can’t remember because it’s herself.
Just like Gene mentioned, Homura could be only a body whose Soul Gem is actually Madoka’s.
Few theories about this is that it’s some random body (least likely), it’s Madoka’s actual friend who agreed to become Madoka’s body, or it’s a body created by Madoka.
PS. Have you thought of this?
About Madoka’s wish, I pondered so hard. What if it’s something like becoming the next “Kyuubee” or something. So Kyuubee would disappear, and Homura is not a Magical Girl, and they make a new contract and go back in time. Explains how Homura can be a Magical Girl without Kyuubee’s knowing, but doesn’t explain why Homura is not a Magical Girl when Madoka becomes Kyuubee, since the Kyuubee who disappears won’t be affecting Homura.
Also, this may be why Homura had two Soul Gem accessories.
You know, I don’t think this is gonna happen, but I’m just saying. Gotta have some theories of my own, as a Korean, I guess.
All those Koreans are coming up with there own theory. I thought I should come up with mine too. I don’t think anything I came up with looks as great as other Korean once, though.
Chaeha · February 25, 2011 at 2:37 pm
Gene · February 25, 2011 at 3:25 pm