Happy Thanksgiving from the Anime Club!

anime-admin · November 25, 2010

EDIT: The post below this one is newer. Read that!

Hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving. Remember the Indians? Yeah, me neither.

Any idea how hard it is to find a Thanksgiving anime picture? Fucking impossible.

Happy Thanksgiving desu~

It should come as a surprise to no one that I have been the least productive person this Thanksgiving. Even more unproductive than Chris, who somehow managed to finish his nearly 5000-word masterpiece that’ll probably get posted while I’m getting mauled by type-B diabetic women trying to buy inexpensive computers from Best Buy. I was supposed to watch Garden of Sinners and some other stuff, but instead wound up crawling to the Yosuga no Sora folder, just to see what the fuss was all about. This is a mistake I’ll be soon to regret, because not long after finishing episode 6, my heart exploded.



I suppose its not all bad, I mean, there are worse things. It should be let known that I watched some better shows worth some people’s time instead. Like Kanon, and Arakawa under the bridge.

I can’t emphasize enough the balance you have to strike while watching anime. There’s only so much bad stuff you can take before you start doing awful things to your twin sister or undressing in front of a maid. I did neither, but this happens in Yosuga no Sora. Sometimes more than once. Why would anyone do that? Think about it.

I ate a lot of turkey. Who knew that in order to make a perfect Thanksgiving turkey, all you have to do is cook it upside down for half the time its cooking? Apparently it makes the white meat taste less like the Saharan Desert. Unfortunately the stuffing got burnt and so did the pumpkin pie, but it can’t be helped. Like anime, you have to take the good with the bad and consider yourself lucky to have had anything at all. Even if most of the things you have are waiting for the main character to get raped.


Common saying amongst the anime club

Oh yeah, and the shows for next semester are being decided, and are mostly done. Suggestions will be either ignored or politely listened to. Then promptly ignored. Stuff you can forget about me showing:

  • Kimi ni Todoke 2
  • Starry Sky
  • Wolverine
  • Anything by Studio DEEN

There’s a lot to be excited about next semester. Since there isn’t much in the way of anime series, there’s still plenty of great OVAs and movies that are coming out, so that’s mostly what’ll get a lot of attention next semester. Again, Happy Turkey day!

Responses to Happy Thanksgiving from the Anime Club!

Chris · November 25, 2010 at 6:09 pm

I always found it strange that we tend to call it Turkey Day. Like on Mother’s Day, we give our mom flowers and stuff. And on Father’s Day, we buy him beer and let him watch football, and stuff. But on Turkey Day, we butcher them and eat them to celebrate Indians or something. Oh well. Shikata ga nai.

Also, long-post ended up being like 6000 words. I think this blog has some kind of internal size limit, because after a point, the page would start breaking every time I updated the draft or previewed it. Like captions dislodging, pictures showing up in weird places, entire bits of text getting deleted, the color of my font changing, and the date changing to a week ago. It was weird, like all Twilight Zone-y.

Gene · November 25, 2010 at 11:18 pm

Sounds like what happens when you reach the 256th level of pac-man. The screen gets all muddled and the colors start changing. Awesome job though, it looks fine.

Gene · November 25, 2010 at 11:18 pm

Sounds like what happens when you reach the 256th level of pac-man. The screen gets all muddled and the colors start changing. Awesome job though, it looks fine.

Grant Walker · November 28, 2010 at 3:23 am

I, too, have been rather tragically unproductive. I don’t think I’ve watched a single episode of anime this entire break, and it hurts inside.

Kind of sad to hear there’s not much in the way of series coming out next semester, but on the other hand, wouldn’t that also be a good supply of material for a ‘Bad Anime Night’ or something like it? Unless a lot of the offerings just aren’t bad enough.

Chris · November 28, 2010 at 11:12 am

It won’t be Bad Anime Night when every night is Bad Anime Night! Hohohohohoho

But really, I’m sure Gene will find a way. Worst comes to worst, you could just show stuff from past seasons that haven’t been shown at Anime Club before.

And in terms of productivity, I’ve managed to watch 3 episodes of Mushishi, the new Index (faaaaaannnnnservice), and finish Planetarian (a short VN). I also got virtually zilch done on my EPICS project. I rule.

Jack · November 28, 2010 at 12:55 pm

I accomplished no productivity in the anime department primarily due to Steam running a Thanksgiving/Black Friday sale.

I did, however, pick up Recettear and play several hours of it, so that’s close enough, right? Right?

Eh, whatever.

Capitalism, ho!

steve · November 29, 2010 at 12:09 am

Am I the only one that stayed caught up with the 10 series he’s watching?


Gene, Yosuga no Sora is awesome, just admit it. Besides, Sora’s arc is coming up and Sora arc is best arc.