Yo, my name is Alex Osecky. I’m going to be doing some posting on the blog for a while. I just graduated from Mines in the fall semester with a degree in CS. As a kinda graduation trip I decided to go to japan and study Japanese. So at least for a little while I will be posting some stuff that will probably be 100% unrelated to anime.
How close the buildings are together around downtown Tokyo.
I took the shinkansen, bullet train, for most of the way. It was awesome way to see how big Tokyo was and how densely packed the buildings are.
Thar be kappa here!
I also got to look at Mount Fuji from both sides as the shinkansen went past it. It dwarfs the mountains around it. Quite an awesome sight.
Mount Fuji
After I took the shinkansen from Tokyo to Toyohashi I took the wrong train and spent a few hours being lost. So words of advice make sure you know where the train is going before you get on it, and make sure its going the correct direction before you spend an hour riding it. When I finally figured out which train to be on it did not take that long for me to arrive at Okazaki. During these two days in japan I have yet to see anything related to anime yet. Not a single advertisement anywhere so far. In the next few days I’ll have some free time where I’m not being lost or sleep deprived where I can go find some awesome stuff.
If you want to complain on how anime-less my posts are hit me up on steam:
Responses to Greetings from the world of tomorrow!
Gene · January 4, 2011 at 8:40 am
Anime? What’s that?
Those pictures look awesome by the way. I had no idea Mt. Fuji was so freakin’ massive. God, you don’t live next to the train do you? Hope you’re not having some sort of Blues Brothers experience! Best wishes!
Found your skype but the steam profile link didn’t work.
Chaeha · January 4, 2011 at 10:56 am
That is so cool. I tried to go to Japan few times now, but I had no money……
Hopefully I’ll go before I die.
It’s kinda funny that Korean cities are more packed, and I’m used to that. I didn’t live in the big cities like Seoul, or even in the downtown part of my city, but you wouldn’t see sky unless you turn your head directly up because of tall buildings everywhere.
I’m pretty sure Japanese public transportation system’s really good, so even if you do get lost, if you know where you are going, you can find the way with a map of bus and train routes. It’s just that you lose so much time.
You’d think that Japan will be full of anime, but I have this feeling that otakus are still not fully welcome even in Japan. I didn’t see online game ads in Korea, and I’m sure PC online games in Korea is like anime in Japan. One thing to learn from this is that we can’t assume something from the limited information we know.
I think a ton of people do live right next to the train tracks. I have a lot more pictures I stuck on my facebook pages. There are tons of houses just packed next to the rail roads. I mostly got on the wrong train because I had 10min to catch the train so I just jumped on the one that was about to leave. For my steam try: [email protected]
I always forget what I need to give to people to have it work.
Gene · January 8, 2011 at 12:50 pm
that worked, thx
Gene · January 8, 2011 at 12:50 pm
that worked, thx
Grant Walker · January 7, 2011 at 6:10 pm
This is really neat. I look forward to seeing more posts in the future. Will be nice to see some of the parts of Japan that aren’t strictly, ah, two-dimensional, if you will, though I hope they are as arguably, um, animated as the portrayals of Japan people like myself are useful.
Okay, sorry about that. Those were bad, even for puns. I like this idea, though, so I’m looking forward to more!