Zhen · December 23, 2010 at 9:34 pm
Gene · December 24, 2010 at 10:29 am
I went through about 4 iterations of this list. I had to think hard, something I’m not used to doing when it comes to anime. Especially this year. Not a lot of particularly “deep” anime series came out this year. The only reason any became deep was when I heard Chris talk about “loldark” explanations for most anime (I shat bricks when he told me the one about Squid Girl). 2010 didn’t have any anime that I would elevate to the point of “timeless,” but there were a few that were definitely at a different caliber of entertainment than others.
Then we have the various adaptations. There were a ton of those this year, including Bakuman, B Gata H Kei, Giant Killing, and RAINBOW, none of previously mentioned made this list (due to making me really bored most or part of the way through). On the plus side, I’m proud that we got through all the anime I had wanted to get through this year. The club got entirely caught up on the worthwhile 2009 anime, and in turn we managed to get to the 2010 stuff this semester, aka “the stuff nobody but me likes.”
So read on, because I have really bad taste in anime. It’s a miracle I’m your President at all.
The fact it made this list at all really is something. The soundtrack is absolutely KILLER in this show. Something I haven’t said about an anime in a long time, and I DID watch K-On!
As I’ve said about the show before, its extremely hit-or-miss. The sex jokes are enough to make anyone want to shoot their penis off, a lá Sora no Otoshimono: Forte (something else that shouldn’t be on anyone’s list, ever). The frustrations I always had was the fact that every episode tends to be ego-stroking the director. Some of the worst episodes (with the exception of the mecha one) made references to some of the director’s previous work, which was mostly frustrating to anyone NOT a fan of the director. Then there were the episodes that didn’t include this anime circle-jerking, and those were good.
I cannot emphasize how good the soundtrack is in this show. Definitely pick that up when it comes out late December.
So I was pumped to show this show this semester. Like, super-pumped. I was watching each episode, loving it, ignoring most of its faults, then I got to Episode 10. Something happened. I don’t know if it was the plotholes I couldn’t ignore – slowly growing more cliché – or the obviously rushed directing. it just culminated to that episode.
TK is above blame
It was just so weird, because it happened so fast. I was watching it each week, loved arguing about how the show would end with my friends, discussing the nature of the world all the characters lived in. The concept was so fresh I was excited about the direction the show was going in. I must’ve seen the first 5 episodes about a majillion times (see, million plus a jillion). Then, when the show ended, everything was explained in the most disappointing and rage-inducing way that made me drop it forever. I had to tell Matt we weren’t featuring it this semester, and that he should hide my gun.
Nevertheless, the budget quality is there, Maeda Jun’s writing has the same effect on me as peeling onions, and for what comparatively little character development there is, it’s great. I’m still trying to learn that OP on the piano, and now Chaeha tells me Angel Beats was supposed to be 74 episodes long. That explains a lot. Looking forward to the OVAs.
Average show, average rank. This one felt like a sitcom partway in, but the show was just so well-executed, its hard to say I hated it. I liked it pretty well, really. Not often I laugh out loud at an anime, or any television show in general. The characters possess such a charm its easy to see why it succeeds so well. Futurama could take a cue. When you write such unique and distinct characters, the humor lies there, not necessarily in the plot or situation you put them into.
Art is fantastic, soundtrack adds to the overall piece, pacing is just off. It’s hard to find something wrong with the anime, just as much as it is to find something done extraordinarily well.
I liked this show. I think I’ve said that plenty. Everyone [in this show] is such a moron, though, that it makes me want to creatively disassemble Brown building using nothing but my fists. When the doctor finally figures everything out, suddenly defecation hits the oscillation and we’re treated to a particularly gruesome set of scenes involving him making like the Boston Massacre on vampires.
Every other character is a little more complicated. Natsuru could be more developed, while other characters get a lot of spotlight for not a lot of long-term gain further in the series. Entire episodes go out of their way to develop these characters, then promptly never see them again. Case in point, the blue-haired wife who does some soul-searching following a series of events, then we just never see her again. This is probably supposed to convey some theme, but that anvil is never dropped in the episode.
Plot doesn’t do too bad, leaving on cliffhangers every episode. This sort of format reminds me of True Blood, with many events left on some very curt notes that don’t get followed-upon until one or two episodes later. In this way, it’s very hard to like a show that jumps around this much. But, its not like there’s any end accidentally left untied. The show is well thought-out in this way. It can make a good impression, especially because the more you think about it, the more the little things make sense.
Now that the show is reaching some sort of climax, hopefully they’ll play their cards and reveal a lot. History has shown that shows with multiple lines of plot occurring at the same time tend to end with a confusing jumble of scenes that mostly leave the viewer confused (see: Shikibane Hime, another show about vampires. Sort of). Time will tell on this series. If the ending just pisses me off, something tells me I’ll be spending a large amount of time at anime conventions arguing about it. Anyone who knows me knows I live for that kind of stuff.
★Achievement in Awesome: The Doctor
All things considered, I really liked this show. This was also a runner-up to be the featured anime this semester, which was why it was on the first poster at the beginning of the semester. The more I watched it, however, the more it became evident that this show appealed to a slimmer audience.
The plot took some strange turns, some expected, others not. Up until the very end I couldn’t figure out what was the key of Nostradamus that they were looking for the entire series. Sure, I could guess, but I never did figure it out until they told me. Not to mention, the bi-weekly format really added some serious cliffhangers, despite sometimes feeling
Please tell me I'm not the only one who remembers this show
gimmicky. Overall, it was like I was watching “Are you Afraid of the Dark” all over again.
The character drama was delivered modestly; never felt forced. The pacing of the show lent to this. It was never really in a hurry to finish. At the same time it also never took itself seriously (see: Are you afraid of the dark comment, again). It’s a show about the macabre for kids, littered with fanservice. Who can blame it, considering the artist used to draw hentai.
Anyone can be a hero or heroine. Yeah, corny, I know. Really, this is the theme the show drives home. Basically, that YOU matter, and your actions can have more effect on people than you think. Truly, the show kept this consistent throughout, even in the “filler” between arcs with each girl.
The show makes some wonderful nods to its fanbase, with plenty of references to other anime, manga, and video games. The show really is a learning experience for the strange world of Japanese dating sims.
Besides all that, the appeal is a little slimmer, wish some episodes being drawn out just for the sake of being drawn out. The blonde girl and pink-haired girls are both good examples of this. They do kind of feel stretched out and dull, and this is mostly to end the eps on cliffhangers. Makes one feel kind of like watching something else.
Soundtrack is excellent here as well. Was a little surprised by the OP, though…
Just finished watching the last episode of this. Wrapped up in a nice bow, the show finishes on an extremely high note. I didn’t expect it to quite finish the way it did, but I am not without bias. Having actually SEEN the game this is based on (just need to get that modded PS2 and learn Japanese and I’ll be GOOD TO GO) lent a lot to the overall experience of watching the anime. Thanks again, Chaeha. That was awesome.
I was a little bored by the swimmer-stalker arc, and I couldn’t help but feel a little sorry for some certain friendzoned girls in the series, but the overall finish to each arc was great. Each character is more well flushed-out than even The World God Only Knows, which is precisely why this is in the 4 spot and TWGOK is at 5. Two-gawk is 5 also because it turns relationships into a science. This one’s a bit more impressive because the girls really do have something special to add to each relationship (even if one involves getting on your knees and licking knee-pits).
The game is currently getting a re-release, including one more arc. Rumor has it that the extra arc is Hibiki, but time will tell. If we’re lucky (like, WOW~! Lucky), the US might get a localized version. Recall, however, that these games don’t usually sell well, so that’s unlikely no matter how many worthless online petitions get signed. In the meantime, the last BD release for Amagami-SS will feature an Imouto arc as well as an alleged Sensei arc as well. That should be more than enough, I think @_@
It truly is a mystery to me why Madhouse isn’t rolling in the cash with these great releases this year. Really, The Tatami Galaxy is probably one of the best shows to come out this year, bar-none. It’s probably the closest I could call “timeless” on this list, and is already fit for a North American release by Funimation sometime next year.
The show is interesting in that at first you can’t avoid the comparison between this and Endless Eight in terms of how pointless the college life appears, no matter what happens. I seriously disliked the show for how frustrating and predictible it all seemed. Then you watch episode 11 and 12, and then all the rest of the show seems so much better, the characters endearing, and even Ozu seeming to be one of the best characters in the show. As any college student attending Mines knows, there’s no such thing as a rose-colored college life.
What really cinched the deal for me was the ending. Everyone sees the ending coming, a mile away. Thanks to the fortune teller with prices ever increasing prices accounting for the warping of the space-time continuum unignored by Japanese price inflation every episode, you are constantly reminded of this fact. Yet, when it comes, it lies only as a footnote to the true lesson to be learned throughout the series. Overall, it reminds us that development of the theme is more important than a good love story (take THAT Bakemonogatari!).
★Best show you didn’t watch (but all of you did so this is a moot point)
The alternative, literal translation of the title is Idiots, Tests, and Summoned Beings. How Funimation somehow warped that to “Bakas and Tests – Summon the beast!” is a mystery to me. Especially since the original title basically spells it out pretty clearly what the show is about.
This show was semi-featured last semester, but we never finished it. It was airing at the same time we were continuing the semester, so it was shown in a pretty disjointed fashion, with one or two episodes one week, and one or two at another. There was some confusion with this, but the show nails humor and satire of educational systems everywhere that one can’t help but enjoy the show through and through.
If you don’t know what this show is about, basically take Angel Beats, take away the fact that all the kids are dead, dump a buttload of more humor and anime references, and then top it off with the Gender!Unknown Hideyoshi and you have everything great about Angel Beats with a concept more ludicrous than before (bear in mind, this show aired and completed before Angel Beats, derp).
This show did everything right, above and beyond the call. Art? Check. Plot? Check. Character development? Check. Concept? Check. Deep? Ehhhh… Yes and no. The focus of the anime was largely on a love story, and it really can seem an awful lot like a harem for a couple of episodes. The love story is tied to the theme though: that no one needs women, just good schooling. HA. HA. HA… *sob*
1. Ore no Imouto Ga Konnani Kawaii Waka Ga Nai!
THERE’S NO WAY MY SISTER CAN MANAGE TO BE THIS GOOD SO CONSISTENTLY IN A ROW. Can’t really say much about this show until we feature it next semester. The people who really wanted to see it, have already seen it. The people who haven’t seen it, will love it. Using Fiji as my test audience, this has the green light next semester for good reason. People who don’t like anime seemed to like it, and people without little sister fetishes suddenly developed one inexplicably following watching it.
Every episode is better than the last, something none too common in anime these days. With 4 (count ‘em, FOUR) alternate endings coming out with the bluray in… SIX MONTHS… It really is just the gift that will keep on giving. Look forward to this one!
★Best ED:
★Achievement in Homosexuality
A Certain Scientific Railgun (seriously, Shirai Kuroko?)
It’s kind of sad that for every list of top 10 anime for the year, its just as easy to write a list of the top 20 worst anime for any given year. There was a lot of it this year, with continuing Sekirei crap, Motto to Love-Ru, and who could forget the show that we never showed ever, Yosuga no Sora?
All of these shows have their own horrible merits, including Iron Man. I was about ready to consider High School of the Dead, for its far-reaching influence and potential scarring of the anime community, but in reality the show wasn’t that bad and I watched all of it. No, the worst show this year is easier to pick out than even that, and is absolutely the worst thing we have the shame to admit that we showed once at this modest anime club: Seikon no Qwaser.
We showed Seikon no Qwaser at Disturbia Night last semester, alongside some really great anime. I even have the poster:
April 14th, 2010. Such a wonderful day, filled with hope
I couldn’t make it right as the showing started, so I gave Matt a set of really easy instructions to follow. Show Qwaser first, then Dead Leaves, then DMC. I showed up right in the middle of Dead Leaves and had to ask Matt how SnQ went. He said that he refuses to show it, because its a pile of fecal matter. At this point, I laid down the law. I yelled at him that we have a FORMULA to anime club. That, no matter how bad the first show is, its the first show so it doesn’t matter.
Oh, but that night, it did matter.
We barely finished watching the first episode before we just had to stop. Outright. It had achieved a level of quality so poor, that we had to just turn it off, apply lye to our eyelids and bleach to our brains such that we forget we ever watched that awful, awful show. The night was saved by DMC, and wasn’t a complete failure. I was humbled, and agreed that even though we’re just an anime club, even we have standards. I then gave what little of the series I had to a certain neckbeard so he could go home and watch it in privacy.
I believe I’ve told some of you that story, and I don’t want any of you to forget it. Seikon no Qwaser was seriously the worst thing ever, bar none. I promise that nothing like that will ever happen again, even if there’s a second season. On an unrelated note, anyone else looking forward to the second season of Kämpfer?
Episode 4 of Mayoi Neko Overrun! taught us how to play ping-pong
Episode 6 of Sora no Otoshimono: Forte had the idiot contest
Episode 6 of B Gata H Kei claims that America is full of sluts
Episode 2 of Working!! says it like it is
Episode 2 of Index II had SPINMAID!!
There are other ones, but I can’t think of them off the top of my head.
Either way, Merry Christmas!
Zhen · December 23, 2010 at 9:34 pm
Gene · December 24, 2010 at 10:29 am
Gene · December 24, 2010 at 10:29 am
Chris · December 23, 2010 at 9:53 pm
Haha, excellent list. Despite the fact I haven’t really seen half of it. 27 shows this year, eh? Well, if we assume half were 13-episode and the other were 26 (an average of 19.5 episodes a show), that you finished each show, that you watched each episode in its entirety (24 minutes), and spent 1 minute afterwards reflecting/complaining/etc (25 minutes total per episode), you wasted about 9 days this year on anime. I’d make a condescending remark concerning your productivity, but I don’t think I was that much better.
74-episode Angel Beats? Hell, I’d watch that, if it meant I got to see every character’s story in full detail. Not to mention having an excuse to watch the OP and ED 74 times. As for learning the OP on piano, do you mean you specific arrangement of it w/ sheet music, or just a general play-it-by-ear method? If the former, hit me up. If the latter, it’s not too tough 😛
I totally remember Are You Afraid of the Dark?, I used to watch it all the time.
Tatami Galaxy was awesome, but I think I went over that in a previous post. For anyone who hasn’t watched it, go watch it.
Baka to Test is probably one of the funniest shows I’ve seen, up there with FMP Fumoffu? and Azumanga Daioh. Not to mention that it spawned an entirely new sexual orientation. It’s terribly confusing seeing a picture with both of the Kinoshita twins in it and trying to guess the trap. Did you fap to the wrong one? Are you gay? YOU’LL NEVER KNOW!
Lol at OreImo ranking at #1, but really, it was a great show. Definitely looking forward to the BD release this summer. Meeerumerumerumerumerumerume~!
As for Seikon no Qwaser…I have to agree it’s probably the worst thing I’ve seen at showings outside of Bad Anime Night (still remember watching the first episode uncensored during last E-Days). Almost sorry I dragged Kurt to it, but then we showed DMC, so it was alright.
Personal top 10 is in the works. I swear.
Gene · December 23, 2010 at 11:27 pm
I’m trying to play “MAH SOUL UR BEATZ” by ear, but I’d love to just see the cheat sheet (i.e. music). Plz help I have to play at a church on the 8th and I’d love to troll everyone by playing that.
Goshdarnit I need to stop watching anime. JUST TWO MORE SEMESTERS I SWEAR. Looking forward to your top 10 Chris, I wish I could proofread. Looking at the Amagami bit is giving me a headache already.
Chris · December 23, 2010 at 11:36 pm
Since attempting to transcribe music with text is impossible (“yeah yeah it goes like du-dun-dun-dun-duuuuuun and it goes like b-minor to g to d-on-f# you get that”), I did a quick google search and found some sheet music.
Best of luck.
Chris · December 23, 2010 at 11:42 pm
Gene · December 23, 2010 at 11:59 pm
Gene · December 23, 2010 at 11:59 pm
Chris · December 23, 2010 at 11:42 pm
Gene · December 23, 2010 at 11:59 pm
Gene · December 23, 2010 at 11:59 pm
Chris · December 23, 2010 at 11:36 pm
Since attempting to transcribe music with text is impossible (“yeah yeah it goes like du-dun-dun-dun-duuuuuun and it goes like b-minor to g to d-on-f# you get that”), I did a quick google search and found some sheet music.
Best of luck.
Chris · December 23, 2010 at 11:42 pm
Gene · December 23, 2010 at 11:59 pm
Gene · December 23, 2010 at 11:59 pm
Chris · December 23, 2010 at 11:42 pm
Gene · December 23, 2010 at 11:59 pm
Gene · December 23, 2010 at 11:59 pm
Gene · December 23, 2010 at 11:27 pm
I’m trying to play “MAH SOUL UR BEATZ” by ear, but I’d love to just see the cheat sheet (i.e. music). Plz help I have to play at a church on the 8th and I’d love to troll everyone by playing that.
Goshdarnit I need to stop watching anime. JUST TWO MORE SEMESTERS I SWEAR. Looking forward to your top 10 Chris, I wish I could proofread. Looking at the Amagami bit is giving me a headache already.
Chris · December 23, 2010 at 11:36 pm
Since attempting to transcribe music with text is impossible (“yeah yeah it goes like du-dun-dun-dun-duuuuuun and it goes like b-minor to g to d-on-f# you get that”), I did a quick google search and found some sheet music.
Best of luck.
Chris · December 23, 2010 at 11:42 pm
Gene · December 23, 2010 at 11:59 pm
Gene · December 23, 2010 at 11:59 pm
Chris · December 23, 2010 at 11:42 pm
Gene · December 23, 2010 at 11:59 pm
Gene · December 23, 2010 at 11:59 pm
Chris · December 23, 2010 at 11:36 pm
Since attempting to transcribe music with text is impossible (“yeah yeah it goes like du-dun-dun-dun-duuuuuun and it goes like b-minor to g to d-on-f# you get that”), I did a quick google search and found some sheet music.
Best of luck.
Chris · December 23, 2010 at 11:42 pm
Gene · December 23, 2010 at 11:59 pm
Gene · December 23, 2010 at 11:59 pm
Chris · December 23, 2010 at 11:42 pm
Gene · December 23, 2010 at 11:59 pm
Gene · December 23, 2010 at 11:59 pm
Jack · December 23, 2010 at 10:50 pm
Oh boy, I’m gonna get so much shit for this. Honestly, I thought OreImo was a trainwreck. So horrible, but I just couldn’t look away for some reason. The two lead characters are all but unlikeable, no one shows any growth/change/depth (Kirino showed a tiny, tiny hint of it in ep11), the plots are contrived (see: Kirino’s novel), and the show ends on a weird anticlimax after yet another subplot that comes out of nowhere. Hopefully the “True End” can salvage it a bit, but I’ll mostly be watching for the supporting cast. And ep6. <3 ep6.
On to other things!
It occurs to me that this summer was the first time I actively “followed” a series after seeing the season lineup. Previously, I just picked up shows after the fact via word of mouth from friends or the internet. I feel … “qualified” as an anime geek now. ;_;
74 episodes of Angel Beats, eh? That’s only a little longer than the good part of Bleach. If it maintained the quality level, I probably could have slogged through that. If it wouldn’t have absolutely bankrupted P.A. Works, a 26-episode run would have been the sweet spot for it, IMO. The extra episode is out now, too, although I’m not sure if there’s a 720p anywhere at the moment. Definitely waiting on that.
Kuroko’s pretty funny in Railgun. Something about her voice just seems so right for her personality. Even better, though, was having her characterization associated with her seiyuu when I watched Okami-san to Shichinin no Nakama-tachi make the Narrator’s lines 10 times funnier when I imagined Kuroko delivering them.
I guess I’ll put together some thoughts on shows I’ve watched from this year too. Probably haven’t seen enough to put together a full top-10, so I’ll settle for making a top three and listing the rest.
Gene · December 23, 2010 at 11:23 pm
No no no, your opinion is understandable. I’ve never seen a show so quickly polarize /a/ between brilliance and absolute insufferability. On the plus side, it led to some pretty awesome threads. Really? Episode 6? Episode 10 was easily mine. N-NOT THAT THAT MATTERS OR ANYTHING. WHY ARE YOU BEING SO FRIENDLY? Kimoi…
Aye, a 26 ep run would’ve been the beautiful compromise. 74 episodes is just Maeda Jun covering a year (and progressively bankrupting PA Works, of course). Also you’re not imagining things, there’s no 720p rip and the standard definition one hurts my eyes.
Kuroko’s funny in railgun and Index II. I prefer Index II but I’ll take either. BAZINGA!
Gene · December 23, 2010 at 11:23 pm
No no no, your opinion is understandable. I’ve never seen a show so quickly polarize /a/ between brilliance and absolute insufferability. On the plus side, it led to some pretty awesome threads. Really? Episode 6? Episode 10 was easily mine. N-NOT THAT THAT MATTERS OR ANYTHING. WHY ARE YOU BEING SO FRIENDLY? Kimoi…
Aye, a 26 ep run would’ve been the beautiful compromise. 74 episodes is just Maeda Jun covering a year (and progressively bankrupting PA Works, of course). Also you’re not imagining things, there’s no 720p rip and the standard definition one hurts my eyes.
Kuroko’s funny in railgun and Index II. I prefer Index II but I’ll take either. BAZINGA!
Gene · December 24, 2010 at 12:05 am
Not good enough for its own post, but semi-related. I just got this for my ipod touch:
Grant Walker · December 24, 2010 at 1:19 am
The LIST. I want to say I like it, but like Chris, I’ve only seen about half of it. Glad to see Tatami Galaxy and Amagami-SS both placed so high. Since I haven’t seen the top two shows I’ll just pretend Tatami placed on top…
More seriously, though, I enjoyed the read. And yes, I do remember Are You Afraid of the Dark?, if only so vaguely. I think I stuck with Goosebumps as a child more because the other would legitimately scare me, and I’m not good at SCARY THINGS.
I’m kind of surprised Seikimatsu placed on the list, too, so that’s a show I may have to revisit. I think I plan on giving each of the shows I haven’t seen a fair shot too, though, since I have heard good things about a couple of them. There are too many I have to see, blahhh…
Also, I’m proud(?) to say that I’ve never seen Seikon no Qwaser. So I can’t exactly offer any sort of opinion on it, but considering that little horror story, I don’t need to.
And while I’m reluctant to say that a full-blown 74-episode Angel Beats! would have been better, I do rather yearn for a more fleshed-out cast of characters. I probably would have ended up watching most of it (I want to say I would watch it all but I still haven’t seen all of Monster, an arguably superior show, at least in my humble view).
Enjoyed the list, though, like I said. Looks like we just wait on Chris, now.
Chris · December 24, 2010 at 12:27 pm
Nah, we’ve got to wait for Chaeha’s list too.
You are making a list, right Chaeha?
Chaeha · December 27, 2010 at 6:50 pm
Gene · December 27, 2010 at 9:25 pm
That’s great Chaeha! You have 4 days…
I’m just kidding. You have all of break. :3
Gene · December 27, 2010 at 9:25 pm
That’s great Chaeha! You have 4 days…
I’m just kidding. You have all of break. :3
Chaeha · December 27, 2010 at 6:50 pm
Gene · December 27, 2010 at 9:25 pm
That’s great Chaeha! You have 4 days…
I’m just kidding. You have all of break. :3
Gene · December 27, 2010 at 9:25 pm
That’s great Chaeha! You have 4 days…
I’m just kidding. You have all of break. :3
Chris · December 24, 2010 at 12:27 pm
Nah, we’ve got to wait for Chaeha’s list too.
You are making a list, right Chaeha?
Chaeha · December 27, 2010 at 6:50 pm
Gene · December 27, 2010 at 9:25 pm
That’s great Chaeha! You have 4 days…
I’m just kidding. You have all of break. :3
Gene · December 27, 2010 at 9:25 pm
That’s great Chaeha! You have 4 days…
I’m just kidding. You have all of break. :3
Chaeha · December 27, 2010 at 6:50 pm
Gene · December 27, 2010 at 9:25 pm
That’s great Chaeha! You have 4 days…
I’m just kidding. You have all of break. :3
Gene · December 27, 2010 at 9:25 pm
That’s great Chaeha! You have 4 days…
I’m just kidding. You have all of break. :3
steve · December 29, 2010 at 5:42 pm
SO MANY TOP 10 LISTS… I have so much reading to do lol
I figured I would post in this one because it talked about the PSG soundtrack (psst WHICH I HAVE AND AM WILLING TO SHARE =D).
I feel like AngelBeats could have done much more if Key took their time with it. Clannad is 48(?) episodes all told and it’s appropriately spaced. At least we get another season of AB this coming year lol. Where the feck is B Gata H Kei? That show made me laugh so hard every episode. Consistent and funny.
Also… all of you are high for not having Shiki at #1. Best show I’ve ever seen, or maybe I like psychological/mystery shows too much… Oreimo at 1? lol gene… lol… It’s good but…
So next year we get season 2 of AngelBeats, Seitokai Yakuindomo (sexjokes, the anime), and The World God Only Knows. Also the “True End” of Oreimo and a series of OVAs for YnS that will be OVAs for obvious reasons. More Black Lagoon too. Don’t forget Hellsing: Ultimate 8! (lol jk… it’s never coming out).
Gene · December 29, 2010 at 11:35 pm
B Gata H Kei isn’t on there for the same reason Seitokai Yakuindomo isn’t on there, and that is because of all the sex. PARTICULARLY THE LACK THEREOF (trollface)
By that line of logic YnS should’ve been on there butI’ve never seen that show ever so it’s not on there. That being said, the sora arc was the best thing I’ve never seen.
I keep forgetting about Black Lagoon and how I like that show. Thanks for reminding me, I need to catch up on that. There have been a few OVAs or another season or summat… right?
steve · December 30, 2010 at 3:39 pm
PSG Season2
steve · December 30, 2010 at 3:39 pm
PSG Season2
Gene · December 29, 2010 at 11:35 pm
B Gata H Kei isn’t on there for the same reason Seitokai Yakuindomo isn’t on there, and that is because of all the sex. PARTICULARLY THE LACK THEREOF (trollface)
By that line of logic YnS should’ve been on there butI’ve never seen that show ever so it’s not on there. That being said, the sora arc was the best thing I’ve never seen.
I keep forgetting about Black Lagoon and how I like that show. Thanks for reminding me, I need to catch up on that. There have been a few OVAs or another season or summat… right?
steve · December 30, 2010 at 3:39 pm
PSG Season2
steve · December 30, 2010 at 3:39 pm
PSG Season2