Gene · April 3, 2011 at 4:06 pm
So, the anime club had a carnival booth today. It was meant to advertise the DDR Tournament this Friday, but I’m not sure how well we did in that respect… But let me tell you, we ran a good booth. Continue on to see just how good of a booth we ran. 😉
Until the very end of the carnival (when we ran out of prizes), there was always someone there throwing bean bags. For most of the time there was a pretty good line in front of our booth too. It must have been the cool game idea, I mean, everyone’s seen the game where you try to knock over milk bottles, but how many people have played it with multiple levels of increasing difficulty? You had 6 bean bags, and had to knock over all 6 milk bottles to proceed. Level 1 was a triangle of 6 bottles, level 2 was 2 triangles with 3 bottles, and level 3 was all 6 in a horizontal line. You only had to beat level 1 for a prize though. Oh yeah, maybe the prizes brought in people too; squirt guns on a hot day.
We had a crowd like that gathered for a while This was near the end of the day
I was there from 11 to 3 with only a couple breaks. An hour was setup (doing nothing) and the rest of the time I was chasing after bean bags that people threw unnecessarily hard. Gene was there most of the time too, and then we had a lot of help from some club members who just stopped by. I guess I can just say thanks here to all of you guys who helped out, because the people who helped out are pretty much the same people who seem to read the blog regularly. It was really nice having help.
Oh yeah, this was the event we were supposed to be advertising, by the way.
EDIT: I’m going to pop in and give my say here too. Thanks a ton to everybody who dealt with me all weekend (good times and the ones I don’t remember, but were still good nonetheless 😄 ). I’ll throw this in here too, I’ll be making a professional print to put in the club’s notebook for posterity. Even if you’re no pro at DDR, everyone should come along to the DDR tourney this friday. Regardless of all of that, PIZZA THIS WEDNESDAY SEE YOU THERE! ~Gene
Gene · April 3, 2011 at 4:06 pm
Grant Walker · April 4, 2011 at 1:50 pm
It definitely looked like the booth was hopping after awhile, which is nice, since the one time I stopped by things were kind of… sparse.
Really looking forward to the competition this Friday! Probably won’t play, but I hope there’s a good turnout.