Just in case you forgot. Now wouldn’t that be embarassing! Hahaha, oh man…
This image has nothing to do with this post whatsoever
It’s hard to believe how much crap came out this past semester as well as what’s expected to come out this coming semester. Truly, it is a shame we don’t have anything to look forward to ever. The good news is this means we can bring back my favorite special showing of all time! The special showings I’m planning on are the following:
Bad anime night
Live-action night
Disturbia Night (not limited to just once a year~!)
Craploads of movies and OVAs
Really good anime night (week of E-days, OH BOY PIZZA)
inb4 "every night is bad anime night"
Bad anime night will probably be the week of April Fool’s, and we’ll probably be showing a lot of movies because we just simply lack the anime to be consistently good. I think I’ve said that before. I’ve said that before? Ok never mind. You all know the drill.
What I did over break
I’m almost embarrassed to admit what total crap I spent my time watching, but then I remember that this is an anime blog. There’s no way I could’ve spent my time watching anything BUT total nonsense.
Finished Yosuga no Sora, despite having never watched the show ever. I had no idea how easy it was too hook up with women. Apparently you just say your name… and then all of them just… and then you have a twin sister… and she does unspeakable things to you in the middle of the night… hahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHA! GOD THIS SHOW IS AWFUL. I don’t think I’ve ever hated the characters in a show this much since that time I watched Valkyria Chronicles.
I also finished Kara no Kyoukai (finally) just the other day. As soon as I did that, it became my favorite anime of all time. ’nuff said, that show made me chum buckets. Highly recommend watching it at least 5 times and buy the $600 blu-ray box set. On an unrelated note, I didn’t get that for Christmas but I really wish I did. hint hint nudge nudge
derpy sister was the best
Finished all those other shows that I was watching too, of course. PSG, Shiki, Squid girl, motto to love-ru, MM, Soredemo machi wa Mawatteiru, and craploads of movies because we’ll be watching all of them this semester.
Oh yeah, before I forget, Amagami-SS finished too. I really liked that show. Some dull arcs here and there, of course, but overall a great show. I think I said enough about it in the top 10, but I just thought I’d mention that. I also finished Tegami Bachi and Reverse. Sorry, thought it was boring, but it wasn’t by any means a bad show.
Speaking of boring but not bad, I also watched some American television as well. Dexter from Showtime was a pretty good psychological/mystery/police drama. It definitely helped cleanse the palette.
crazy and hates people, I CAN RELATE
Comiket79 was also over break. I got that umineko game I was looking forward to. Chaeha and I have been playing it to death, it’s a pretty fun fighter.
oh that siesta sister, so crazy
I also re-installed Oblivion. I’m sure at this point most of you can tell I didn’t leave my room this break. LIVIN’ THE DREAM.
Stuff coming up that’s getting released this week and the next
Infinite Stratos and Magical Girl Madoka whatever both just got released. IS is obviously a total haremfest and it basically blows, but I always end up watching and finishing these goddamn harem shows every season (Ichiban Ushiro no Daimau, MM!, friggin’ TWGOK). Probably a personality flaw.
Madoka, on the other hand, is more SHAFT craziness, which I love. To be honest, in this industry practically saturated with moeblobs, predictable plots, and unchanging character archetypes, its just nice to have a show with good art direction. SHAFT has had this by the neck, even if most of their shows are starting to look the same. I’m a little unhappy that it sounds a bit like I’m just playing the game for the graphics or watching a movie because it has my favorite actor, but these days its important to remember what you really like about anime, and hold out for the really good stuff. I’m talking about the stuff that really only comes out once every two years.
Have we shown that killer show? Really, that’s based solely on opinion, but we don’t really know until we try. Hopefully you’ll all stick this out with me, because I’m sure there’s bound to be a diamond in the rough at some point. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go watch Heartcatch PreCure.
Winter Break’s the best break. It’s not too short to get into a non-curricular activity (like Thanksgiving or Spring Breaks) or too long to get through without winding up bored (like Summer Vacation). There’s 4ish days left until classes start again, and I’m just about ready to get back into classes. Wish we could could swap to a year-round school year with WB-length vacations, but you know, politics. Or something.
Also, I finally got through all the anime from Fall 2010 that I wanted to finish before putting together a “year in review” piece for the blog. (Well, I guess I have the Megana na Kanojo OVAs left) I would have finished earlier I think if not for the ridiculous rewards for a certain Wintersday quest in Guild Wars. Said quest rewards were farmed so hard by everyone (myself included) that two sectors of the in-game economy all but crashed. Ugh.
Now to go actually write that piece. Or read more HP and the Methods of Rationality. Hmmmm.
Gene · January 7, 2011 at 5:22 pm
Wow, fanfiction takes precedence over anime club? Wait a second, I’m not surprised by this at all! I finally gave you a user so you can post your list. I’m interested so feel free to make it happen.
I actually heard about the rewards wintersday (on /v/) because of all the bitching when the economy was dying. The rage was priceless.
Also Megane na Kanojo was pretty fun, they’re short, at least. Mercifully short, actually. 😉
Gene · January 7, 2011 at 5:22 pm
Wow, fanfiction takes precedence over anime club? Wait a second, I’m not surprised by this at all! I finally gave you a user so you can post your list. I’m interested so feel free to make it happen.
I actually heard about the rewards wintersday (on /v/) because of all the bitching when the economy was dying. The rage was priceless.
Also Megane na Kanojo was pretty fun, they’re short, at least. Mercifully short, actually. 😉
Grant Walker · January 7, 2011 at 6:23 pm
At least you watched anime, sir. I’m ashamed to say that I really didn’t get any viewing at all, except for rewatching some stuff I’ve already seen (Disappearance, Girl Who Leapt Through Time, FLCL, stuff…). I guess there was that one episode of Amagami…
That is, unless playing the story mode in BlazBlue counts as watching anime. I guess the lack of actual animation (unless seeing the portraits go omnomnom during dialogue counts) excludes it, though.
I’ve seen the pilot of Dexter, and yeah, it doesn’t look too terrible. My better half is obsessed with the novels, so I end up hearing a lot about it, but I’ve yet to try diving in.
Anyway, I don’t have anything particular to say about the coming semester’s shows, since I… haven’t… seen them, but I’m hoping for some good showings! I’ll probably be pleased either way, though. I’m not exactly the most selective audience.
Chris · January 8, 2011 at 12:08 am
Somehow looking forward to going back in a few days. Schedule’s a bit more open, and I’ll actually be able to attend showings on time this semester. First half of winter was pretty much video games and anime (finished Mushishi), and second half went to recovering from wisdom teeth extraction, which means it also consisted of video games and anime (almost finished with Black Lagoon, which I am really enjoying).
Despite Winter 2011 failing to impress me, I’ve decided to give it a chance, so I’ll try to watch at least 2-3 episodes of everything that comes out. Infinite Stratos looks pretty much set to dive into the standard harem recipe (as if one couldn’t tell from the premise). Unless it deviates and gets interesting, fast, I probably won’t finish it. Or maybe I will – I finished K-On!!, after all. Madoka gives me mixed feelings. It feels so ordinary and cliche, but the Shaft artstyle never fails to be interesting. It’s weird. It’s like being served Taco Bell on a silver platter, at a fancy restaurant, in an airport.
I’m waiting to see if anyone else is subbing Gosick before I reluctantly take the HS 480p. I hope a decent group subs it in HD, because it’s one of the few shows I was planning on watching this season anyway.I’m grabbing Cardfight now…although I can’t really say I’m looking forward to it.
Oh, right – You can’t have Bad Anime Night when every night is bad anime night! Ohohohohohohoho
Daniel Pascua · January 8, 2011 at 6:15 pm
I agree that this break seems like just the right length, and I’m just starting to feel like going back to school again. I’ve gotten into fighting games now so I’ve spent most of my break playing Super Street Fighter 4 and Blazblue. You’ll have to show me that Umineko game sometime Gene. 😄
Gene · January 8, 2011 at 7:16 pm
You got it Daniel, I already put it on the hard drive. I’ll hook you up with it next time I see you 😄
Gene · January 8, 2011 at 7:16 pm
@Daniel Pascua
You got it Daniel, I already put it on the hard drive. I’ll hook you up with it next time I see you 😄
steve · January 9, 2011 at 12:37 am
So I heard an interesting statistic about this most recent Comiket.
40% of all ero dojinshi were of Kuroneko. Lol Japan…
steve · January 9, 2011 at 12:41 am
also lolwtf… people in this club play blazblue?
Grant Walker · January 9, 2011 at 12:39 pm
It’s so anime, I can’t not play it.
I’m also horrible, though, so I should probably just stop trying.
Gene · January 9, 2011 at 6:31 pm
Last time I played you I got my butt rocked
but good luck everyone else!
Grant Walker · January 9, 2011 at 12:39 pm
It’s so anime, I can’t not play it.
I’m also horrible, though, so I should probably just stop trying.
Gene · January 9, 2011 at 6:31 pm
Last time I played you I got my butt rocked
but good luck everyone else!
steve · January 9, 2011 at 12:41 am
also lolwtf… people in this club play blazblue?
Grant Walker · January 9, 2011 at 12:39 pm
It’s so anime, I can’t not play it.
I’m also horrible, though, so I should probably just stop trying.
Gene · January 9, 2011 at 6:31 pm
Last time I played you I got my butt rocked
but good luck everyone else!
Grant Walker · January 9, 2011 at 12:39 pm
It’s so anime, I can’t not play it.
I’m also horrible, though, so I should probably just stop trying.