So, it seems like I gotta do a list too… Well, I was gonna do 10, but it seems like almost all the list is top 10 this and that. It’s even 20 10. You know, it’s too non-unique. So I decided to do 11.
Okay, to be honest, I couldn’t pick 10.
So, here we go.
Wait, before we go, I’m not really good at reviewing, so my post may not be as good as others. So, here we go again.
Wait, before we go, I chose things I liked that was first released in 2010, whether or not it’s a TV anime, an OVA, or a movie, and whether or not it’s finished or not. Because there were too many things absolutely loved, but they are not necessarily done. So, let’s really start.
Wait, before we go, I gotta warn you that of 11 animes I picked, Hanazawa-san is in 6 of them. Well, 4 major role, 1 minor role, and 1 cameo appearence. But what can I say? She was in a lot of 2010 anime. Just in case you didn’t know, nowadays in Japan, it seems one famous seiyuu gets almost all new anime in a year, and first half of 2010 was that time for Hanazawa-san.
(Which means, the lighter fans of her will die out soon, but I’ll still remain her fan, which means I’ll have better chance of becoming her biggest fan. YES!)
Sorry, it seems like I can’t really concentrate whenever I think about her. Well, let’s get started for real.
11. Shinryaku! Ika Musume
To be honest, I didn’t know this anime existed until I watched at the showing. Oh, you know what? I just remembered that I had the honor of picking one from the hat when we did fall anime swipe. So, I have to thank me for picking such a great show.
It was one of those everyday-life comedy with non-everyday-life character. Ika Musume is obviously not the kind of life you’ll see normally, but what she does, or what happens around her, is very normal. I really love animes revolving around everyday-life situation, and characters may or may not be everyday-life kind.
But you may ask, then why is it only 11 if I like it so much? Well, I guess a show without Hanazawa-san can’t make high place in my mind. I didn’t mean it. It just happens unconsciously.
10. Seitokai Yakuin Domo
It’s another comedy, though the direction is little different. I don’t really understand why I put this higher than Ika Musume. Hmm… Well, they are pretty much about the same, and I watched SYD first, so maybe that’s why. For same reason, Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru is not even in the list. I tend to rate things I know first higher.
So, it’s about sex jokes, but not about sex, and that interested me. So I watched it. And it was funny. Funnier than I had thought. And it kept me interested through whole thing. The jokes never felt old, like some other comedy I watched. I also liked how it was all about jokes. Not heart-touching (or rather, trying-to-be-heart-touching) scene which could possibly ruin the whole show when done wrong, no romance involved (although there were some moments), no direction changes, and stuff like that.
9. Tamayura
It’s a three-episode OVA. I don’t think it’s very well known, so I’ll explain it a little.
It’s about a high school girl who likes to take pictures with an old film camera. Her dad used to take pictures, but he died. I don’t remember how he died, but he died sometime before the show started.
The show start as she moves to her father’s hometown. The story is about her getting used to town. It’s one of those anime where you feel relaxed after watching it, and honestly nothing really “anime-like” happens in the whole OVA. It’s just things what a group of high school girls would do. So, if you are not into some drama like this, I wouldn’t watch it if I were you. On the other hand, if you are like me, you are gonna love it. I recommend this to those who are like me. I don’t know how to explain this exactly, but you will know… I think…
8. Bakuman
This is about two boys trying to become manga artists. Also, one of them (more main characterish of the two) has a kinda fiancée who wants to be a seiyuu. They said they are not going to see each other until their dreams come true, but they are gonna get married when their dreams do come true.
I haven’t seriously told anyone, but I want to become a scenario writer (I’m not really sure of medium right now, but I’m leaning towards video games.) myself, so when I first read Bakuman, it was very inspiring. Then I heard there’s gonna be an anime adaptation. I didn’t have to think about watching it. It was on my must-to-watch list even before I knew.
But not everything was good about it, though it’s not really about the anime itself. This made me live in a fantasy world, where I do become a video game scenario writer, make a Japanese-like game, and casting Hanazawa-san. She is apparently very close to her brother, who is 4 years younger than her, and I’m 2 years younger than her. So, I might have a chance.
Then I would think that’s not gonna happen because when I can write for video games good enough for Japanese release that will also be dubbed, I will be like 30, and I don’t think she’s gonna be single until then.
Then I would realize if everything happened like that, it’s still not gonna happen. The real world does not work like that. And I’d get depressed for few days, or even weeks. And when I get over it, I’ll do it again. So far, that’s the biggest downfall I’ve ever had after watching an anime.
7. The World God Only Knows
I don’t really like romantic comedy to be honest, but I do love dating-sim games. The way Keima works is just like any dating-sim game, (Duh, dating-sim games are the reason he live for) so I really liked this show. Last episode was weird, but I guess it’s acceptable, since they planned to do 13 ep first, then the rest later in the first place. Also, it was pretty interesting to see more of the real-life game consoles with different names. But dating sim for Xbox? (Ybox in this case) And it was not Dream C Club? What else is there?
The “heroins” were all stereo types of dating-sim games. That made it more enjoyable to me.
6. Bungaku Shoujo Memoir
Tooko from Amagami SS. Man, I used this 3 times, but I couldn't find anything else. And it was awesome to see her there.
It’s a three-episode OVA series. It’s supposed to be related to the Bungaku Shoujo movie, but I couldn’t find the movie anywhere. And there’s one more OVA released right before the movie, but I couldn’t find it anywhere either.
Anyway, it’s about so-called Bungaku Shoujo, Amano Tooko. She eats books, and can’t feel real food tastes.
After watching the two episodes that are released now, I still can fully understand what exactly is going on, but it seems like nothing much is going on, just like Tamayura. Maybe I need to watch the movie and read the novel. Anyway, even though I don’t understand, I feel very good after watching it, so that’s why it’s ranked pretty high.
5. Angel Beats!
I don’t think I need to say much about this. It could have been higher if it was longer and had time to go little bit slower pace. Its downfall was to have only 13 episodes. Other than that, it’s such an awesome show.
So, I’m pretty sure many of you know this, but for people who didn’t know, Maeda Jun, the creator of Angel Beats!, is an adventure game scenario writer in Key. (He actually made Key.) He wrote scenarios in MOON, ONE, Air, Kannon, CLANNAD, Little Busters, and stuff like that. He also does music for the Key games, and Angel Beats! also.
It’s first time he wrote for anime, and he wrote it like an AVG, and what came out was, if rewrite it for a 20-minute-long episodes anime series, about 78-episode long. No wonder the 13-episode adaptation was horrible. Now he is writing for Angel Beats! game. Hope it’s for PC.
Oh, if you use Google translate and do Angel Beats! from English to Korean, it says, “Angel has won!” Surprisingly correct, if you ask me.
4. Ore no Imouto Ga Konnani Kawaii Wake Ga Nai
Gene already said enough about this one, so I’ll be simple.
The light novel started like an excuse for an otaku, by an otaku, and I felt like it was just for me. So I watched the anime. It wasn’t supposed to be Kyousuke/Kirino romance. But it started moving towards it. I felt kinda sad because deep down, I was rooting for Kuroneko.
Anyway, in the novel, Kirino was supposed to go to America, unlike the anime. What we can learn about this is in AVG, one simple choice can result in a whole different ending.
Also, the alternative endings Gene talked about, will follow about volume 5 of the novel, which makes me sad, because I wanted to see volume 7… If you’ve done some research, you will understand me…
There’s also going to be PSP game. It seems like there’s gonna be father route, and Kyousuke can die in Ayase route. (Nice boat?)
3. Amagami SS
Like I mentioned before, I love dating-sims. Although I haven’t really played one, but I always wanted to play one. At first, my friend recommended Amagami SS to me, but I was like, “Yeah, romantic comedy is not really my type. It kills me that I don’t have a girlfriend.” But then I figured out it was based on a PS2 game, so I changed my mind.
But something was still bothering me, because I was worried about nice boat situations. But then I saw an article that Amagami SS will be resetting after every heroin. I was so happy. It will follow most of the game’s scenario and it won’t be a problem in that case.
Then I got Amagami game. I was using my emulator, but whenever either Umehara or Nanasaki was saying something, (it was their theme music that was the problem) the frame rate went down to 30~40 fps range, and it was supposed to be 60. Amagami was the sole reason why I bought a PS2 and moded it. Right now I have more than 20 copied PS2 DVDs. Well, I feel little bit bad, but I guess that’s how I am.
Amagami Ebikore is coming soon, and it’s little bit cheaper and has more stuff. It’s for PS2 and PSP. There was other PSP games I wanted, like Metal Gear Solid Peach Walker, so I may get PSP. There’s one more PSP AVG called L@ve Once, and I want it. One step closer to becoming next Katsuragi Keima.
2. Disappearance of Suzumiya Haruhi
I'm sorry Chris, but even though it was in the op of first season, I don't think they were planning. I believe it just shows that they wanted to do Disappearance.
I tried to find it even before we watched it in one of the showing. Obviously it was the camrip. I didn’t watch it at that point, because it didn’t look so good. Then sometime later, Gene had to show this at the showing. I’ll be blunt. It was BAD. I mean, really. Next day, my neck and eyes hurt so bad, just so you know.
But the contents in it was awesome. It was the quality that was too horrible to think about. It was one of the best anime movie I’ve ever seen. Others in this category are the Girl who Leapt through Time, Summer Wars, 2nd Digimon movie, Paprika, and stuff like that. I can’t describe how good the movie was. Good thing I watched Haruhi series before, though. Otherwise, I’d have been like, “Who’s John Smith?”
In short, this movie gets better if you know about Haruhi, and have read/watched Haruhi before. But even without the experience, it’s still awesome.
1. Black★Rock Shooter
I know there’s only one episode, but it was still the best anime in 2010 for me. First time I heard BRS was in Nanairo no Nico Nico Douga. It was the first song in Nanairo. I got curious and heard the full version of the song, and had been waiting for the OVA release ever since. It was even better that the main character was voice by Hanazawa-san, although at that time, I didn’t really knew much about her other than that she was Kanade from Angel Beats! and I really like her voice.
I felt kinda sad afterwards, because now she (Kuroi Mato/BRS) finally saved her friend, but the other started to show the symptoms of becoming that weird thing. (Apparently known as Strength) Why, oh why, must she suffer? I think I might have cried.
Waiting for the next episode. I heard it was going to be three-episode long. Hope I remember it correct.
So, that was my list. If you think I talked too much about certain person, it’s because I’m ill. It’s a mental illness where you don’t like the real world and starts thinking about fantasy world and live inside you own world, then when you realize you need to go back to real world, you feel depressed. So in order to get over it, you start going to your world again. It’s a cycle, and I haven’t found an effective way to break this, but a temporary way is to say this to someone else (like what I’m doing right now). This works even if you write it in your diary, and think the diary is other person. So, that’s why I’m like this, and I’m very sorry about being weird.
I hope all of you have a happy new year and don’t get ill like me. My new year’s goal is to get out of the cycle finally. I don’t even remember how long I’ve been like this.
And here’s bonus list like other people. I won’t do best ***, because like I said, I can’t decide things like that. It’s like choosing one of your fingers to cut. I think everything I like is the best for me.
★ Anime I know I’m gonna like : Steins;Gate
this is the game version. Reason I use this instead of anime version is because it's drawn by huke, the creator of B★RS. Also, the girl on the right is voiced by Hanazawa-san
It was an AVG for 360, and scheduled for air of the anime adaptation in 2011. If I ever buy a 360, (I’m not going to though) it’s for this game. But there’s already a PC version, though it has so many bugs, so I’ll settle with that. I don’t know exactly why, but I feel like I’m gonna like no matter what. Just like Endless Eight. I knew I was gonna like them and I did.
Hah, I guess I gotta start/finish CHAOS;HEAD before this starts…
★ Anime I think I might like : Haiyore! Nyaruko-san
It says it's a fiction and real life(?) Outer Gods and Great Old One are not related at all.
It’s called High Tension Love(craft) Comedy. Although Nyaruko is (very loosely) based on Nyarlathotep, the whole thing is not based on Cthulhu stuff. It’s a light novel full of parody, for example, using crow bar was weapon, and Cthulhu myth is part of the parody. There are few flash anime of this, but the real thing is supposed to come out next January. If I don’t like the anime, I think I’ll like the novel at least.
★ Anime I’m watching just for certain someone : To Love-Ru and Motto To Love-Ru
Before I get into this, I don’t like animes with bunch of service scenes. That’s actually one reason I don’t watch High School of the Dead. But I thought I’d give Motto To Love-Ru a try since it was one of the latest episode in the streaming site I go, and nothing I was watching was up. And I did watch three episodes of HotD, so I thought I should be fair. Then I heard voice of Mikan.
I thought, no way…. Anyway, after that, I’m watching To Love-Ru. Now, I don’t even see the service scenes. I only hear Mikan’s voice. This is power of seiyuu. And you should know who certain someone is by now…
★ Anime I might watch for the seiyuu jokes : Kämpfer
I absolutely know nothing about this, but I heard it’s full of seiyuu jokes. I don’t care the story, (or lack of story) service scenes, or anything else if it’s full of seiyuu jokes. I mean, is this anime made for me?
★ Anime I got disappointed the most : Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt
It was all good until the end. Hell, second to last episode was the best. But the last episode ruined it all. Why did they do that? Panty returning to an angel, or Stocking’s comeback was good. But why is Panty not dere-dere to Brief anymore? What’s that real-life leg? Why did the last battle end so quickly? And what’s the last minute (maybe shorter than a minute) turn of events? What is this, Metal Gear Solid? There’s not enough foreshadow for stuff that happened in the last episode. Maybe that one Ghost that Stocking liked was foreshadowing, but I don’t see it like that.
People say Angel Beats! was bad because it was too quick after ep 10. But they at least had 3 episodes of quick stuff. PSG had not even an episode-long length. I thought very highly of PSG until I watched the ending. It’s more of a trolling than anything. Now I understand why some people didn’t like Evangelion and Gainax.
PS: Did I mention that seiyuu of Shino and Aria from SYD are in this PV? And did I mention that the sequel is coming out this Comiket, which is about tomorrow?
PS2: I found this after posting about Nadeko Snake OP, and I love it. Wish I found this before that time.
Bungaku Shoujo movie’s already on the hard drive. We have the 1080p version and we’ll be showing it this coming semester. We only have two episodes of Memoir, and a quick google search tells me that’s all that’s available right now, so I wouldn’t worry too much about not finding the last OVA.
Nyarlko isn’t complete yet, but they’ve released something that looks like a OP PV so far. Subbing is slow on the flash raws but they’re out there. Commie subbed one because they’re a bunch of trolls but hopefully they’ll release more as they become available.
I don’t know enough about the game yet either, but there are rumors that besides whatever platform its on, it’ll also see a release on the iphone/ipad (this is just a guess based on the fact that they’ve released a promotional app for free already). NICE BOAT END? DO WANT.
Don’t forget the PFP on TWGOK, that made me laugh a bit.
We don’t have Tamayura on the HD, but I’ll look into adding it here pretty soon. We have all 26 eps of To Love-Ru already, but not all 12 of Motto- downloaded yet. Maybe I’ll do it, I dunno. Not a big fan of the series (except Hanazawa-san is pretty great in episode 11 of Motto).
God I’d love to go to summer comiket. Great list for having stuff not on Chris’ or mine list. Despite saying you’re not good at this sort of thing it was an enjoyable read, past the silly errors here and there. 🙂
Chris · December 29, 2010 at 10:03 pm
11? Heresy! *conveniently ignoring the fact my lazy ass only had 7*
Very interesting list-not only have I not seen a lot of it, I haven’t even heard of some of it. I agree about depicting everyday life-I think it’s important to watch shows like that, because it brings us back to earth and reminds us that amazing things happen in normal life, too.
Kuroneko beats Kirno anyday. I am completely in favor of a Kuroneko end. Angel Beats game? Sign me up, hopefully it’s for the PC. Maybe I should look into learning Japanese…
Lol at the amount of Hanazawa Kana-san, though I’m definitely not knocking you for it. She’s an excellent VA, and she’s quickly becoming one of my favorites (not to mention she seems to be in everything lately).
As for your “mental illness”…I wouldn’t call it an illness per se, just an, eh, infatuation. It’s perfectly fine to be a big fan of someone, but be careful about turning them into someone they’re not. Remember the idealized Hanazawa-san of your dreams is probably not the Hanazawa-san of reality. Ask yourself what it is, exactly, that draws you to her. If it’s her skill as a seiyuu, or the characters she voices, I would advise you to separate those things from her actual persona (there are plenty of people I respect for their abilities that I would never want to eat lunch with). If it’s her actual personality/appearance, there are plenty of other girls like her. You’ll find someone better, and closer to home; I’m sure of it.
Hope you have a great New Year’s (I’m getting my wisdom teeth pulled tomorrow, so I’ll probably spend it in pain T_T). And if you’re ever feeling down, we’re here for you (I am, at least). If you need to talk, I’m all ears.
Chaeha · December 30, 2010 at 10:50 am
The thing is, living in a dream kinda became part of my life already, to the point where I would actually call it an illness. I’ve been like that since when I was in elemantary school, or even before that. It’s not limited to this kind of symptoms either. It’s just that I always live in my own little world. This time it just happened to be meeting Hanazawa-san. Sometimes it’s making so much money, winning something, and stuff like that.
I think I’m a little ill (I’m serious) but very little that I’m not classified as one. I think if it was a little more, they’d tell me I’m a bipolar. I get depressed for no reason, and next minute I’m happy for no reason. But it’s okay, I guess. There are people worse than me, and I’m thankful that I’m not that bad. And I’ve lived like this so long, I think I made peace with this. Usually I’d write this in diary, but for some reason I left it on the Mines Park, and I hope no one reads it.
Also, that’s how I decided to become a writer. I don’t know how this will sound, but I don’t really write. It’s like I’m there, and I just record whatever I see. (Well, I am there. It’s that I can’t get out of it is the problem) I thought “it’d be a waste if no one knew about the world I’m seeing right now.” you know. Whenever I close my eyes and concentrate, I can see it. It’s hard to explain, I guess.
Anyway, thanks to me who always escape reality to world I want, when I was, like, 4 or 5, I didn’t like how one anime turned out to be. So I made it my own way, and I don’t think I watched it much after that. It was not very different, but it was how I wanted it. Now I have my own characters, places, background story, and things like that. I guess not everything about my issue is bad. This also helped me distinguish between reality and fiction, despite what you may think. I myself don’t know how or why, but it is true.
Oh, and my wisdom teeth are growing. I can see one of them poking out. I thought I could leave it alone if it doesn’t hurt, but my mom said it’s good idea to pull it out no matter what. I hope you are okay.
And thanks for worrying about me. I feel much better now, and I’m okay. Don’t worry about me.
Chris · December 30, 2010 at 2:32 pm
Glad to hear you’re doing okay. I think the best thing would be to keep doing what you’re doing – writing what you see and experience. And it sounds like something that would really help your ability as a writer. If I ever see a game with your name on it, I’ll learn whatever language it’s in and buy it ^_^
Got my teeth pulled this morning, and everything seems to have gone smoothly. Now I get to go through the awesomeness that is a liquid diet. Yogurt and dak-jook FTW @_@
Chris · December 30, 2010 at 2:32 pm
Glad to hear you’re doing okay. I think the best thing would be to keep doing what you’re doing – writing what you see and experience. And it sounds like something that would really help your ability as a writer. If I ever see a game with your name on it, I’ll learn whatever language it’s in and buy it ^_^
Got my teeth pulled this morning, and everything seems to have gone smoothly. Now I get to go through the awesomeness that is a liquid diet. Yogurt and dak-jook FTW @_@
Chaeha · December 30, 2010 at 10:50 am
The thing is, living in a dream kinda became part of my life already, to the point where I would actually call it an illness. I’ve been like that since when I was in elemantary school, or even before that. It’s not limited to this kind of symptoms either. It’s just that I always live in my own little world. This time it just happened to be meeting Hanazawa-san. Sometimes it’s making so much money, winning something, and stuff like that.
I think I’m a little ill (I’m serious) but very little that I’m not classified as one. I think if it was a little more, they’d tell me I’m a bipolar. I get depressed for no reason, and next minute I’m happy for no reason. But it’s okay, I guess. There are people worse than me, and I’m thankful that I’m not that bad. And I’ve lived like this so long, I think I made peace with this. Usually I’d write this in diary, but for some reason I left it on the Mines Park, and I hope no one reads it.
Also, that’s how I decided to become a writer. I don’t know how this will sound, but I don’t really write. It’s like I’m there, and I just record whatever I see. (Well, I am there. It’s that I can’t get out of it is the problem) I thought “it’d be a waste if no one knew about the world I’m seeing right now.” you know. Whenever I close my eyes and concentrate, I can see it. It’s hard to explain, I guess.
Anyway, thanks to me who always escape reality to world I want, when I was, like, 4 or 5, I didn’t like how one anime turned out to be. So I made it my own way, and I don’t think I watched it much after that. It was not very different, but it was how I wanted it. Now I have my own characters, places, background story, and things like that. I guess not everything about my issue is bad. This also helped me distinguish between reality and fiction, despite what you may think. I myself don’t know how or why, but it is true.
Oh, and my wisdom teeth are growing. I can see one of them poking out. I thought I could leave it alone if it doesn’t hurt, but my mom said it’s good idea to pull it out no matter what. I hope you are okay.
And thanks for worrying about me. I feel much better now, and I’m okay. Don’t worry about me.
Chris · December 30, 2010 at 2:32 pm
Glad to hear you’re doing okay. I think the best thing would be to keep doing what you’re doing – writing what you see and experience. And it sounds like something that would really help your ability as a writer. If I ever see a game with your name on it, I’ll learn whatever language it’s in and buy it ^_^
Got my teeth pulled this morning, and everything seems to have gone smoothly. Now I get to go through the awesomeness that is a liquid diet. Yogurt and dak-jook FTW @_@
Chris · December 30, 2010 at 2:32 pm
Glad to hear you’re doing okay. I think the best thing would be to keep doing what you’re doing – writing what you see and experience. And it sounds like something that would really help your ability as a writer. If I ever see a game with your name on it, I’ll learn whatever language it’s in and buy it ^_^
Got my teeth pulled this morning, and everything seems to have gone smoothly. Now I get to go through the awesomeness that is a liquid diet. Yogurt and dak-jook FTW @_@
digital boy · December 31, 2010 at 5:51 am
re: Tamayura >>It’s a three-episode OVA.
It was a four-episode OVA. Assuming you didn’t make a typo, you should go find ep 4 :3
This is a lovely list, and I’m very happy to see someone who enjoyed Black Rock Shooter so much since it warranted a lot of unnecessary negative attention for no reason, in spite of being quite good. I’ve got it on DVD now thanks to it being thrown in with the BRS figma and nendoroid releases.
I’d reply further, but I have my own 2010 anime review to speak for me~