For you new freshmen, welcome! To you returning upper-classmen, welcome back! To the rest of you, put that gun down! You have so much to live for! It’s another great year of anime club to look forward to with more anime, more lack of sleep on Thursdays, and even more of me embarrassing myself in public. I’ve already changed the website banner to the show we’re featuring this semester, as well as had Matt print out the new ACTUAL banner we’ll be using this year; no more of the Naruto/Full Metal Panic. I think we’ll be keeping it for posterity or we’ll take it to cons or whatnot, I don’t really know.
If you are a freshman, this is most likely the poster that brought you here
The bottom part is an approximation because I actually wrote it in my last Vice President’s blood. It’s ok, Matt’s still alive everybody.
Who are you and why are you taking my money
Glad you asked! We’ll be discussing this more in the first meeting, but essentially I pick some anime to show every week and we show it. I am a “President” of the club, per se. Some people have other names for me, such as “Jesus,” as in “Jesus, will you just sit the f*ck down and stop talking?” More information on me and the rest of the officers are in the tab labeled “officers” at the top, as well as our mug shots from that one E-days that only Daniel (our previous media officer) remembers.
Here are some of us in classy disguises at an event over the summer
At the first meeting we’ll talk about the various events we do over the course of this year and the next. It’s mostly cons and visiting other anime clubs in Colorado. Speaking of that, on Thursday (August 25th) we’re going to travel to CSU-Ft. Collins. More on this at the first meeting as well. Keep it in the back of your mind though.
As for your money, well, dues are $2 and they pay for pizza.
So I heard you say something about anime…
As I’ll be discussing on the first day, we show three different anime at each showing, three episodes apiece. When exams pick up we switch to the featured show and movies. Once we show something, we never show it again. As a result, we usually only put on things that are new or slipped through the cracks over the years.
This picture basically encompasses most of what we enjoyed last year
After the showings we talk about what was shown or what people are up to. Sometimes we’ll do a “let’s play -” and have people try their hand at whatever video game I bought recently. Last year had some fun moments with Portal 2 and Amnesia. Considering what games are coming out this year and the next, that’s likely to continue. For now, we have Touhou 13.
Like I said, we’re visiting CSU-Ft. Collins next week. I also deleted a ton of pictures from the site that were either old or too big. This meant I removed Alex’s pictures from when he was in Japan, but those will live on on the anime club hard drive for posterity. Steve is the new Vice President/Treasurer and Chaeha is our new Media Officer. I’m only going to be President for this remaining semester so there’ll be a scramble to wrangle new officers for next semester. Hope you guys don’t hate C too much this semester, I already changed the banner and it’s been decided. Besides, it’s not THAT bad, and it’s only 11 episodes.
Oh yeah, and help out at the anime club booth during celebration of Mines if you can. That’d be cool, yo.
So welcome! If you are a new student, please leave a comment! The sooner I know you, the sooner I can start trying to remember your name. If you are a returning student, please continue pretending that your parents made a good choice sending you to this school and leaving you with me. Thanks!
Wow, this club sounds lame. I bet you’re as lame as you look in that picture. Especially the guy on the right, wtf is his problem? And the one to the left of him is probably a moron. (The guy on the far left though, he looks like a classy gent. I have no idea why he would hang out with losers like you.)
Man, I bet none of you guys watch anything good. I mean, seriously. Is that stuff in the picture the kind of garbage you show? Iroha is such a boring SoL, and AnoHana was just a mess of poor writing and forced drama. Steins;Gate is one of the worst shows I’ve seen this year, and the science is so poorly explained. Not to mention it has Hanazawa Kana in it, who is clearly the worst and most annoying voice actor ever. And Madoka? Really? Soooooo overrated. You probably like it because it’s popular.
This is so sad. I can’t believe you’re the longest running club in Colorado. I am filled with sorrow and pain knowing that such a club is tainting the university I will be studying at for the next four years. I’ll go, but only to show you guys what REAL anime is like.
Don’t get the wrong idea. I-it’s not like I want to get to know you or anything, sheesh. It’s just that I happen to have some time on Wednesday evenings, and I need to educate you guys so you can stop being a walking insult to the entire anime fanbase. And I-I guess I can stick around after showings, so I can show you how to stop sucking at video games. You’d better be grateful! I don’t like you or anything! Stop having such pervy thoughts! You’re so disgusting!
Daniel · August 19, 2011 at 6:30 pm
You sound pretty lame to me. I think I’m gonna come just to see what your idea of “REAL” anime is like. And showing people how to stop sucking at video games. Pshhh what do you play? Let me guess… Call of Halo or something?
Daniel · August 19, 2011 at 6:30 pm
You sound pretty lame to me. I think I’m gonna come just to see what your idea of “REAL” anime is like. And showing people how to stop sucking at video games. Pshhh what do you play? Let me guess… Call of Halo or something?
Grant Walker · August 19, 2011 at 3:35 pm
oh wow!! this club sounds like so much fun i can’t wait to see what happens at the first showing (((: i’ll bring my naruto headband and inuyasha ears and we can just make a party out of it lol! i hope the dues get me one of those nifty mustaches too cuz they look just like the one morio wears!!! LOL jk
maybe i’ll even stick around after so we can talk about one piece (best anime ever, fact) and i can show u guys how good i am at call of halo 8D
can’t wait for the show!!!!! =)
Daniel · August 19, 2011 at 6:35 pm
I don’t know, I don’t see any Naruto in that pic. And just look at those guys, they don’t look like “casuals,” if you get what I mean. Oh well, guess we’ll just have to go and see.
Daniel · August 19, 2011 at 6:35 pm
@Grant Walker
I don’t know, I don’t see any Naruto in that pic. And just look at those guys, they don’t look like “casuals,” if you get what I mean. Oh well, guess we’ll just have to go and see.
Daniel · August 19, 2011 at 6:17 pm
If it’s okay for people to sneak in the back and hide out and never really say anything, then maybe I’d come and sneak in the back and hide out and never really say anything.
Although if you have DDR, I’d come just for that. (Or Mario Kart wii. Or maybe Touhou. Or Blazblue.)
Chaeha · August 20, 2011 at 1:11 pm
I guess you should also delete my posts if you haven’t done it. Most of them I didn’t change the size of pictures cause I didn’t really know much about how I should post stuff, and I generally try to get over-sized pictures.
And who is this Chris guy? Saying bad things about Hanazawa Kana. Man, you and I are gonna have a talk.
Hey, Gene, there’s a better game to play after the showing than Touhou 13. I mean, Touhou 13 is awesome, but it’s a single player game. It’s called Griefsyndrome, and I’ll bring that.
Oh, btw, did you see Toyosatomimi no Miko? Man, she looks so cute. Then again, is there anyone not cute in Touhou?
Chris · August 20, 2011 at 4:45 pm
/troll off
I saw pictures of Grief Syndrome. How is it? It basically looked like Metal Slug with Madoka. Which is awesome.
Also, I think I’ve finally gotten the last key to Rock Band customs. I’ve figured all the vocals and lyrics stuff out, and I just found that you can play them on an unmodded Xbox 360 through Rock Band 3 by using some programs to disguise the customs as DLC. And as it turned out, Rock Band 3 only cost 20 bucks new, so I picked it up. Gonna go into testing soon.
How did Freshman move-in go? Hopefully you guys were able to get some posters up. I was at TA training all day yesterday and today, so I wasn’t able to check it out. The traffic was terrible, though.
Chaeha · August 21, 2011 at 6:58 pm
Grief Syndrome is the most amazing doujin game out of C80. Well, I guess it’s debatable since Touhou 13 also came out in C80. Well, actually, other games were pretty amazing too, like this one Touhou RTS I got. Doujin games are just getting better and better, and I like it.
But it’s still awesome.
Gene · August 21, 2011 at 6:59 pm
Woah woah woah, Touhou RTS. I must find this now.
Gene · August 21, 2011 at 6:59 pm
Woah woah woah, Touhou RTS. I must find this now.
Chaeha · August 21, 2011 at 6:58 pm
Grief Syndrome is the most amazing doujin game out of C80. Well, I guess it’s debatable since Touhou 13 also came out in C80. Well, actually, other games were pretty amazing too, like this one Touhou RTS I got. Doujin games are just getting better and better, and I like it.
But it’s still awesome.
Gene · August 21, 2011 at 6:59 pm
Woah woah woah, Touhou RTS. I must find this now.
Gene · August 21, 2011 at 6:59 pm
Woah woah woah, Touhou RTS. I must find this now.
Chris · August 20, 2011 at 4:45 pm
/troll off
I saw pictures of Grief Syndrome. How is it? It basically looked like Metal Slug with Madoka. Which is awesome.
Also, I think I’ve finally gotten the last key to Rock Band customs. I’ve figured all the vocals and lyrics stuff out, and I just found that you can play them on an unmodded Xbox 360 through Rock Band 3 by using some programs to disguise the customs as DLC. And as it turned out, Rock Band 3 only cost 20 bucks new, so I picked it up. Gonna go into testing soon.
How did Freshman move-in go? Hopefully you guys were able to get some posters up. I was at TA training all day yesterday and today, so I wasn’t able to check it out. The traffic was terrible, though.
Chaeha · August 21, 2011 at 6:58 pm
Grief Syndrome is the most amazing doujin game out of C80. Well, I guess it’s debatable since Touhou 13 also came out in C80. Well, actually, other games were pretty amazing too, like this one Touhou RTS I got. Doujin games are just getting better and better, and I like it.
But it’s still awesome.
Gene · August 21, 2011 at 6:59 pm
Woah woah woah, Touhou RTS. I must find this now.
Gene · August 21, 2011 at 6:59 pm
Woah woah woah, Touhou RTS. I must find this now.
Chaeha · August 21, 2011 at 6:58 pm
Grief Syndrome is the most amazing doujin game out of C80. Well, I guess it’s debatable since Touhou 13 also came out in C80. Well, actually, other games were pretty amazing too, like this one Touhou RTS I got. Doujin games are just getting better and better, and I like it.
But it’s still awesome.
Gene · August 21, 2011 at 6:59 pm
Woah woah woah, Touhou RTS. I must find this now.
Gene · August 21, 2011 at 6:59 pm
Woah woah woah, Touhou RTS. I must find this now.
Steve W · August 21, 2011 at 12:19 am
lol we’re scaring people away before they even show up GOGO US!
Kevin L · August 24, 2011 at 2:48 am
Man, I’d be much more excited about us featuring C if I hadn’t already seen it… But then again, if I hadn’t already seen it, I might not be excited either. Well, it was good enough for a second watch, so whatever.